Hi there,

Just a quick bug report for GRUB. Thanks very much for writing it - it 
was very easy to set up and is much better than Lilo for my needs :)

System details:

  zaphod:~> uname -a
  Linux zaphod 2.2.16 #12 Thu Aug 10 19:00:36 WST 2000 i686 unknown
  zaphod:~> cat /proc/partitions
  major minor  #blocks  name

     3     0   12714912 hda
     3     1    6305481 hda1
     3     2    2972025 hda2
     3     3     208845 hda3
     3     4          1 hda4
     3     5    3221001 hda5
     3    64 1073741823 hdb
    22     0 1073741823 hdc
  zaphod:~> grub --version
  GNU GRUB 0.5.95

The problem:

  # grub
  <!-- snip startup message -->
  grub> root (hd0,1)
  Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
  grub> configfile /boot/grub/menu.lstSegmentation fault

I know that doing this may not make sense - when I discovered the problem 
I had mistakenly named the file /boot/grub/menu.1st and was trying to figure 
out why it didn't work. (I renamed the file and it works fine now, however the 
above problem remains.)

The file /boot/grub/menu.lst does exist when executing the above commands.


Grahame Bowland - http://gbowland.ucc.asn.au/

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