Hello all! Apologies for any noob behavior, I'm new to this. I'd like to help 
fix Bug 65065 on the forums<https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?65065> 
after it happened for me too, 7 months after it first posted.

When I run make, I get the error:
*** No rule to make target '../grub-core/extra_deps.lst', needed by 
'syminfo.lst'.  Stop.

It seems simple to fix (famous last words, I know) since it's just a missing 
file. The commit message by Oliver Steffen (linked) seems to imply this file 
"extra_deps.lst" already exists, just wasn't included in the tarball. My ideas 
to fix it:

  1.  Use git add to commit the file, adding it to the tarball for everyone
  2.  Grab the file from somewhere else, put it in the source code directory, 
run make. This only solves it for me, but I could post on the forum bug report 
"this is solved by going to this public resource to get the file yourself". But 
where could I grab a copy of "../grub-core/extra_deps.lst"? I'm worried about 
how do I know if the version I grab for use is outdated. I tried download the 
most recent snapshot with "git clone https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/grub.git"; 
but couldn't find any file named "extra_deps.lst" inside.

Thank you all!

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