
                 Summary: Linux kernel 2.6.10 (Ubuntu 6.10) can't grab boot
                 Project: GNU GRUB
            Submitted by: ludolpif
            Submitted on: vendredi 16.02.2007 à 20:30
                Category: Booting
                Severity: Major
                Priority: 5 - Normal
              Item Group: Software Error
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
         Originator Name: Ludolpif
        Originator Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
                 Release: 0.97-11-ubuntu14
         Reproducibility: Every Time
         Planned Release: 



Hello, I'm a French user of Ubuntu 6.10 (edgy).
First, sorry for my approximative English.

A short description / interpretation of the bug :
My linux kernel 2.6.10 (default kernel of Ubuntu 6.10) stop itself during
boot on the following message :
Waiting for root file system...
3 min later, i've got a BusyBox with a minimalist shell (the rescue shell of
me init ram-drive), the root partition isn't mounted...
I use GRUB v 0.97-11-ubuntu14 (Ubuntu deb package)
Hardware used when this bug occurs :
Shuttle SD32G2
Intel Core Duo, SATA 2 250 GiB hdd...

Software installed when this bug occurs :
A freshly installed Ubuntu 6.10 Offical release.

Procedure that makes the bug appears :
My Shuttle initially have an empty hdd (no Windows, no existing
I put the live/install CD of the official release of Ubuntu 6.10. The CD
boots well. I follow normal installation procedure (in graphics mode, with
ubiquity), I create an msdos type of partition table, and an approx 16GiB
ext3 primary partition (denoted /dev/sda1, this is my root partition), next
an extended partition filling all the rest of my 250 GB hdd. In this extended
partition, I make a swap partition (2 GiB) at the beginning of the free space
(sda5). I make an another partition (16 GiB, reiserfs, sda6) for some data.
Ubiquity install my Ubuntu in sda1, setting up sda5 for swap, and mount sda6
in /media/sda6...
No errors during install.
At the end, I reboot, GRUB say (approxiamatively) "Press ESC to see the
menu", and next it load automatically the Ubuntu's default kernel.
The system hangs just after the following message :
"Waiting for root file system..."
The computer isn't frozzen, but the kernel waits...3 minutes ! And next this
lap of time, the initrd launch a BusyBox minimalist shell.
ls -al /root
shows that this is an emply folder.
show that only /proc, /sys and /dev are mounted...

and mainly :
cat /proc/cmdline

shows that there isn't any parameter !!

At boot time, if I e lines in the GRUB's boot menu, I see things like :
title           Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.17-11-generic
root            (hd0,0)
kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-11-generic root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet
initrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.17-11-generic

and, there at least the root= parameter for the kernel.

If I try cat /proc/cmdline on other computer that use Ubuntu without any
problem, I can see all parameters passed by GRUB.

To try to boot my machine, I have installed Lilo (and cat /proc/cmdline
return parameters correctly), and the computer works with a minor problem :
the SATA module ata_piix isn't automatically loaded, but with append="break"
in lilo.conf, I have the Busybox shel, I type modprobe ata_piix and next
<ctrl+D> and the computer boot well.


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