Hi all,
I've just installed RedHat 7.3 in a dual-boot configuration with Win2k.  I have 1 HDD (30Gb) that I have partitioned as follows:
Partition 1: Windows 2000 (4Gb)
Partition 2: Redhat 7.3 Boot Partition (50Mb)
Partition 3: Redhat 7.3 Root Partition (5Gb)
Partition 3: Redhat 7.3 Swap Partition (512Mb) - for some reason this was created as an extended partition.
After this initial step, all was well.  I was able to selected each operating system from the Grub menu on boot.
Unfortunately something seems to have gone awry when I partitioned and formatted the remainder of the disk (~20Gb) into an NTFS Partition.  I did this using the Win2k repair console and all appeared to be fine until I rebooted.  I can now no longer see the Grub menu and consequently the only way I can get into my Linux install is to use the Linux Boot disk!  I imagine that my HDD now looks like:
hda0 ------ Win2k NTFS (4Gb)
hda1 ------- Linux Boot partition (50Mb)
hda2 ------- Linux Root partition (5Gb)
hda3 -------
            --------hda4 Linux Swap partition (512Mb)
            --------hda5 NTFS partition (20Gb)
(does this look about right?)
I'm not particularly Linux-savvy so I was hoping that somebody might be able to help me get my Dual-boot Grub menu up and running again.
Thanks for any help,
Mark Boulton.

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