It's probably not a bug, it's probably just me not finding the right way to
do this...

I have a devel machine booting on /dev/hda and I have a flash reader/writter
on /dev/hdc.
I normally boot /dev/hda to prepare flash disks on /dev/hdc (using grub).

DEVEL (machine used to prepare disks)
    (hd0) /dev/hda = redhat 6.2
    (hd1) /dev/hdc = flash disk

RUNTIME (machine using flash disk)
    (hd0) /dev/hda = flash disk

I format hdc, install files, then I try to install grub this way:

grub> root (hd1,0)
grub> setup (hd1)

Then I take the flash to the runtime machine and put it in /dev/hda and when
it boots, I get only GRUB displayed then nothing.

I know it's because it's not at the same address than when I set it up on
the devel machine.
Please note that I was able to make flash disks use GRUB but only when they
are /dev/hda (which is a pain for us).

I also tried this:

grub> root(hd0,0)
grub> setup(hd1)

In order to read my GRUB files from /dev/hda, same thing happens.

I have read the HOWTO partially (I don't want to be a GRUB expert, I just
want to make a simple flash making devel machine).

And I have not seen any FAQ on the net for such a simple question.

--- s grub.conf ---
timeout 3
default 0
fallback 1

title XMLinux CompactFlash Slot 0
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/rtlinuz root=/dev/hda1

title XMLinux CompactFlash Slot 1
root (hd1,0)
kernel /boot/rtlinuz root=/dev/hdc1

title XMLinux on PC-104
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/rtlinuz root=/dev/hdc1

title Memory Test
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/memtest.bin
--- e grub.conf ---

Please help?

Maxime Asselin
Research and Development

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