
I have looked a bit around but I do not find help on this.

I have installed Fedora core 4 from ftp server at download.fedora.redhat.com 
Installation went fine I did let Disk Druid do a software raid setup etc. When 
I reboot nothing, no boot loader nada. Eventually a no disk message.

Well ok something wrong, download (on an other PC) rescue disk burn it. There 
it becomes interesting.

Boot on CD ok. When asked from where I should get the disk Image I said CD. Get 
the select your driver window... Of couse did not work otherwise I would not be 
in it. Got the ISO on a USB Drive, manage to start linux rescue.

chroot to have the installed partition as root. Everthing seems right. 
grub.conf and devices.map OK I only have that wirtual partiton (it is a Linux 
only box to be).

Runned again grub-install report ok.

I am a bit at lost here, can anybody help?


Motherboard MSI 945P dual core pentium 4
Two disk 164 Gb
CD/DVD RW Pioneer internal

Install done on hd0

The bios have a Boot Disk menu. Could it conflict with MBR
To be able to boot from teh CD I have to activate VIA RAID at the bios level. 
If I go IDE only I see the CD as master 6 but then it does not boot from it.


Philippe Laliberte

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