
I'm trying to get GRUB to work in a PXE environment, and I'm having
some marginal success, but I've come up to the point where what I'm
trying to do, I'm not sure if it's even possible.What I'd like to do is
have GRUB (or some other boot program) prompt for which install image to
boot (using a GRUB menu). I have a number of ISO images created, and I
have PXEGRUB booting, but I'm not sure how (if it's at all possible) to
boot the ISO images to start the installers. I have Slackware, SLES,
WinNT, Win2K, and Win2K3 ISO's cut, and they can be mounted anywhere.
Can this be done?.. Am I going in the wrong direction?...


Richard Whittaker, CISSP
Whitehorse Systems Manager,
IS Security Officer
NorthwesTel Inc.

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