
                 Summary: Unknown filesystem error with non-first partition
of disk
                 Project: GNU GRUB
            Submitted by: sreich
            Submitted on: Tue 21 Jul 2009 06:40:50 PM GMT
                Category: Filesystem
                Severity: Major
                Priority: 5 - Normal
              Item Group: Software Error
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
         Originator Name: 
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
                 Release: SVN
         Reproducibility: Every Time
         Planned Release: 




I have been fiddling with the GRUB2 for a while now, thinking they were
mostly problems with what I was doing...I have covered many bases, however.

First of all, I have been formatting my drives and converting them to
Ext4..my 250 GB External(USB) was what I started with. I wanted to create an
install of Linux on this, so as to serve as an up-to-date sort of LiveCD,
thusly -- I wanted GRUB2 on it, so it can boot by itself.

So I created a new partition table on it, then created Partition #1 (235) GB
then created Partition #2 (15 GB).

Both are Ext4, and the first is completely blank (I didn't add a thing to
it), the second is where that Linux install is located, I installed Linux on
it without installing GRUB at all...

I then booted into my normal install and installed GRUB2 onto it(first by
chrooting into it, according to the link to the wiki via the IRC channel).
After restarting, and selecting (via BIOS), to boot to that External drive, it
came up with an error saying "GRUB Rescue \n Unknown Filesystem".

I even unplugged my other hard disks to be fully certain that it was not a
different hard disk.

I then installed GRUB2 from SVN, hoping that it would resolve my problems and
I installed it to the correct drive(even wiping the /boot/grub before hand),
same error.

Well, I was experimenting with the rescue mode -- excellent work on this by
the way, I'm glad I can try and debug the problem instead of it just saying
there was some error in Stage 1 , etc...

So I typed 'ls' at the rescue prompt.

This listed my drives and their partitions, I only had 1 drive connected at
that moment, so it would only find the External..

I typed 'set' and prefix=(hd0,2)/boot/grub and root=(hd0,2)

Well this looked fine, as the second partition is the only one that
matters..so I tried to dig further...

I tried 'ls (hd0,2)/', but it comes up with the same error I have been

I then tried 'ls (hd0,1)/' and listed was 'lost+found" (the ext-created
folder). Well this means it had no problem listing the first partition... I
even put some files on that partition and it read them fine.. I did not try
putting GRUB2 on this first partition, as I would really rather not (I'm anal
like that and like to have what I use the most categorized).

Also tried, was re-creating the partition table and remaking the
partitions...I also tried recreating the second partition as ext3...same

I think that's everything..let me know if you need more info, as I *really*
*really* want this fixed quickly as I want to convert everything to ext4, get
stuff setup, and get back to coding...



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