
I became adventurous and decided to try the HURD.

When generating a boot floppy with grub-floppy-1991023 I managed

to boot it and to start the system. All looked fine.

When moving onto another (more modern) machine however I got

"Disk read error" when specifying: "root (hd1,0)" even though

I used physically the same disk and it was connected to the same

IDE port (secondary slave). The grub version seems to be 0.5.92.

I then tried to build grub-0.5.94 which I succeeded. I prepared a

floppy with an ext2 file system and put stage1, stage2 and menu.list

under /floppy/boot/grub. I did the installation using grub from Linux.

This floppy also boots, the menu comes up and if I wait long enough

the HURD boots (this time I don't get the Disk read error!).

When I type whatsoever on the keyboard however, the

program seems to blow up (it blocks and doesn't react any more.

In the docs you can find several different procedures to make a

grub boot floppy but up to no I did not succeed to get a boot

loader where everything works as expected. (That should be the

one which I want to install onto the MBR finally.

Do you have anu suggestions on what to try next?

I got the very latest version from CVS but was unable to boot that




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