
On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 8:38 AM, Tasyait Mirror<tasya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear,
> I have problem in my ubuntu 8.01. While I turn on my computer i have a
> message in monitor "GRUB Loading Stage 1.5 Grub Loading, please
> wait....Error 15"
> Please give me solution to solve this problem.

According to http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html (which
lists all the errors reported by GRUB, FYI):
15 : File not found - This error is returned if the specified file
name cannot be found, but everything else (like the disk/partition
info) is OK.

So this most probably is not a bug, but a bad config. Check your
/boot/grub/{menu.lst,grub.conf} file and make sure that the filenames
in it refer to the correct location on the right (hd?,?) partition.

Please look for support at help-g...@gnu.org, and report bugs to
best regards,

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