I've always installed NT first because of the 8GB limit, and then Win98
on the second partition. I use a boot floppy and format the partition
and then copy the contents of the win98 directory on the cd on the
harddrive in say /setup/win98 or something like that then just run
setup.exe this works for me. I've never done the install from a bootable
cd or anything like that.

On Wed, Jan 30, 2002 at 02:40:15PM -0800, ThomasRatliffDDS wrote:
> Grub boots NT from (hd0,0) and linux (hd1,0).  Is there a grub way of
> installing Win98 to (hd0,1)?  Everytime I try to install Win98 it tries to
> install on (hd0,0).  This is true whether I try hide (hd0,0) or try to map
> out partitions (hd0,1) and (hd0,0).  If anyone has installed Win998 on any
> partition other than 0, and especially after Grub and with NT on the first
> partion perhaps they would give me some handholding and send step-by-step
> instruction.
> I'm not a Win98 guy.  This is for my kids games.  Maybe the solution is
> obvious but I'll be darn.

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