maybe use the grub shell to install rather than grub-install.

do something like:

boot from the floppy
root (hd0,1)            assuming the /boot is the second partition.
setup (hd0)

this is what grub-install is suppose to do so try that.

On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 05:33:09PM -0400, Martin Felker wrote:
> Hi everyone!
>     This is my first post to this list and I need some help and advice.   I have a 
>very simple setup.   Windows XP is installed in the first partition of one of my two 
>identical 40 GB drives.   I've used Partition Magic to create a /boot, / and 
>swapspace partition in the remaining 3 partitions where I've installed Red Hat Linux 
>SkipJack Beta 2 (release 7.2.93).
> With some (ok a lot) of fiddling I've finally created a GRUB boot floppy which 
>allows me to boot either OS.  
>     But when I try to install GRUB (grub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/hda) 
>using the GNU documentation the installation is reported successful but I always get 
>the message "NTldr is missing or corrupt reboot using Ctrl-Alt-Delete).
>     However the simple GRUB commands
>     rootnoverify (hd0,0)
>     makeactive
>     chainloader +1
> ALWAYS boots to the NT bootloader menu (I also have Recovery Console installed).
> I've forgotten the Linux menu item but it is something like
>     root(hd0,1)
>     kernel  --- blah blah.img
>     Initrd /initrd.img
> (Sorry I'm using Outlook Express).
> Using Recovery Console fixmbr command also doesn't work - I need to have the XP 
>CDROM in place or now the "magic GRUB floppy".
>     I can "fix" the problem as far as XP goes but ONLY by re-installing the OS - a 
>40 minute operation.   Then as SOON as I boot Linux using a Linux boot floppy 
>(Syslinux etc) the MBR seems shifted by one sector.
>     Can you folks help me out here?   I sure like to boot from the HD!   BTW 
>changing the order of the BIOS boot devices from my current floppy, CDROM, HD doesn't 
>help either - always get the NTldr message - NOT the GRUB menu.

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