Dear Grub'ers;
I was trying to get a djgpp coff to load with grub.
The a.out header was right, the kludge bit was set,
but it would fail as an unsupported format.
I tried several variations of the kernel.c linked to the
start.asm that had the header. Some worked! some
did not. The size of the changes are too small to
effect the alinement of the exec so the headers were
all the same.
I posted here that my main test kernel was simple,
and had code only, it printed to the screen directly
using immediates. This as it turned out was the
problem. It will work if I add 'section .data dd 0x0'
to an .asm or 'int i;' to a .c. Is this a known thing?
Could it be fixed?
Also could someone add more error messages?
I tracked through the code trying to find what caused
'Error: 13 Unknown or unsupported execuatable file'
and found that in stage2/boot.c it is used ten ways.
Many of these are 'a.out header found but field foo bad'.
If I understood it better I would help, but I think a
normal contributor could fix it faster that they could
explain it.
I would not of fought it so long if I thought it was not
worth it. It is a great tool. Thank you all.
Keep up the good work!

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