Title: Question: Booting off any drive connected to a RAID controller ...

In the environment that I am currently using, I have a 3ware RAID controller (operating in JBOD mode) having 12 drives connected to it. I am using Linux 2.4. In this env, I can only boot off the first drive that is detected by 3ware. So, if 3ware labels the drives from sda to sdl, then I can only boot off sda. If sdb is a bootable drive, then I cannot boot off that as long as sda exists. So, this actually means that BIOS is unable transfer control to the boot loader.

Is it possible by using GRUB to boot off any drive? I would think that the same problem would continue here. How would the BIOS know where GRUB resides so that it can transfer control to it?


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