
Sorry for the short notice. The current news reads like this: 

> This month saw the first booting version of an
> [Arch GNU Hurd](http://www.archhurd.org/),
> which seconds the distribution from
> [Debian](http://www.debian.org/ports/hurd/)
> which already gives you 66% of the debian software archive.
> Also we organized a meeting at FOSDEM, February 6th and 7th in Bruxelles, 
> [8 Hurd developers will meet](http://www.bddebian.com/~hurd-
> Six of us will stay in Hotel Astrid with the FSFE folks.
> On Sunday 7th, Olaf Buddenhagen will be giving two presentations in the
> [Alt-OS Devroom](http://dev.haiku-
> *Why is Anyone Still Working on the GNU Hurd?* (10:30)
> and *Porting KGI graphics drivers from Linux to GNU Hurd* (13:00).
> And Carl Fredrik Hammar
> [finished and presented](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-
> his thesis
> [Generalizing mobility for the Hurd]
> and passed with distinction. Its abstract reads:
> *The GNU Hurd features mobile objects
> in its implementation of filesystem backing stores.
> This thesis investigates the
> limitations and security concerns
> these objects present,
> and how they can be overcome.
> This is done in preparation for new applications
> that feature mobile code and mobile objects.
> In addition,
> one such application is studied and implemented,
> in which mobile code is used to make
> the ioctl system call more extensible.*

Please add anything important I missed (I still have problems with my email 
program, so quite a few things might have slipped past me). 

I'll merge and push tomorrow... 

Best wishes, 

PS: As usual you can get the news beforehand in the master-news_next branch of 
the wiki (git). 

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   - Ein Würfel System - einfach saubere Regeln -

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