Am Freitag, 5. März 2010 17:58:29 schrieb
> I still haven't uploaded the slides. But I guess you can just link to
> the relevant pages for the talks on the FOSDEM site -- I assume the
> slided will be linked there too once I send them in...

I added a note for that, and now the new late Month of the Hurd reads like 

> This month saw the first running and testable 
> [[DDE_driver_by_Zheng_Da|user/zhengda]], 
> with which he begins to reap the benefits of porting DDE to Hurd, 
> since [[DDE|dde]] allows to use current Linux drivers for Mach and L4. 

> Also Samuel Thibault 
> [pushed libpciaccess to Xorg]
> which adds support in the Xserver (x86) 
> “for OSes that do not have a PCI interface, 
> tinkering with I/O ports, and makes use of it on GNU/Hurd.”

> Additionally we saw the talks on the Hurd in the Alt-OS devroom at 
> Fosdem: [Why is Anyone Still Working on the GNU Hurd?]
( and [Porting KGI graphics 
drivers from Linux to GNU Hurd]

> In [Mikels words](

> > The room was full and people were "standing-up" for the talk. Some people
> > couldn't even enter the room (+20?).
> > 
> > Antrik made a good job. Was nice for the crowd to see Hurd running X,
> > slow but working.
> > 
> > The unique problem might have been the short time available. The machine
> > needed to be fsck-ed losing some time, which could have been be used at 
the end
> > for Q&A which was quite interesting.

> Sadly we couldn't yet upload notes from the talks - 
> as soon as these are availble, you should get notice here.
> Also they should be linked on the Fosdem pages we linked to above.

> And it is time for the [[Google_Summer_of_Code|community/gsoc]] again, so 
> [we started our weekly GSoC IRC meetings]
( in which we 
coordinate the GSoC projects. 
> [[2008|community/gsoc/2008]] the GNU Hurd had 5 successful projects, 
> 2009 saw [[another_one|user/scolobb]], 
> and we hope to make it 5 projects again this year. 
> The last few years brought 
> [libchannel]
> **lisp bindings**, **dtrace**, [[nsmux|translator/nsmux]], 
> **network virtualization** (which led to the DDE drivers), **procfs** 
> and [[unionmount|hurd/translator/unionmount]], 
> and we have [[dozens_of_ideas|community/gsoc/project_ideas]] 
> for innovative projects this year. 

> So if you're interested in working on the GNU Hurd,
> or want to help with coordinating (or simply want to be up to date), 
> please come and join in (currently via [[IRC]] every Wednesday at 11:00 
> Also we'd be glad to have more eyes on polishing 
> [[our_application/community/gsoc/organization_application]].

If there are no objections, I'll push it do bddebian master this evening, so 
it will be online once Thomas pulls it into the site. 

(currently it is available in the master-news_next branch 
-> )

Bast wishes, 

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 
   - Ein Würfel System - einfach saubere Regeln -

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