I love Samuel's positivity.  He's probably one of the most positive people I 

I read recently that 80% of your success is mental 
and only 20% is technical skill.  For example Gregor Mendel failed his 
exams three times, but he still spent 10 years cross breeding 21,000 plants to
discover how genes are passed on.

Though at this point Samuel's hard work is probably surpassing Mendel's.  

January 27, 2021 10:05 AM, "Samuel Thibault" <samuel.thiba...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Paul Dufresne, le mer. 27 janv. 2021 10:00:46 -0500, a ecrit:
>> I guess I should write a function in C to use fdwalk, and see if I can get it
>> to run in normal console, than in Xorg... but it feels hard work to me.
> All of us started with banging their head to the walls over such kinds of
> exercice, but eventually managed to do it, learnt something, and
> continued progressing like this.
> So yes, it takes time and it's hard, but at the end of the day one can
> get it to work, and make progress.
> Samuel

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