Joe Neeman <joeneeman <at>> writes:

> With the optimisations, it scales like (left column is the number of scores)
> 24 2m0.017s
> 19 1m23.650s
> 14 0m52.611s
> 9 0m27.961s
> 4 0m11.139s
> 1 0m4.402s
> as you can see, it isn't O(n) but it isn't much worse either. The further 
> optimisations I have planned should make it even closer to linear.

According to my calculations, it's about N log(N).  If you plot time v. N log(N)
you get a nice fit with little obvious curvature, and an R^2 of 0.9942 according
to Excel.

N       log(N)           N log(N)       Time (sec)
1       0               0               4.4
4       0.602059991     2.408239965     11.1
9       0.954242509     8.588182585     27.96
14      1.146128036     16.0457925      52.6
19      1.278753601     24.29631842     83.6
24      1.380211242     33.1250698      120

Carl Sorensen

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