cueing bug

2009-09-07 Thread John Ervin
> I'm not top posting. The following results in erroneous output: oboe = \relative c''' { R1 g4 r8 e16 f e4 d } \addQuote "oboe" { \oboe } \new Staff \relative c'' << \new CueVoice \with { instrumentCueName = "ob." } \new Voice { g4. b8 d2 \cueDuring #"oboe" #UP { R1 } g4

Issue 835 in lilypond: Enhancement: use a Scheme compiler for improved speed

2009-09-07 Thread codesite-noreply
Status: Accepted Owner: v.villenave Labels: Type-Enhancement Performance Priority-Postponed New issue 835 by v.villenave: Enhancement: use a Scheme compiler for improved speed Currently, LilyPond is made heavier and slower by its Scheme p