addlyrics unhides NullVoice

2013-11-09 Thread Pavel Roskin
" \soprano \new Lyrics \lyricsto "aligner" \verse >> } -- Regards, Pavel Roskin <>___ bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: musicxml2ly stops making chords after some timing errors

2013-07-06 Thread Pavel Roskin
One possible approach is to open and save MusicXML in MuseScore and then use musicxml2ly on the saved file. I checked it quickly, the chords are not lost, but I need to see if anything else is preserved. I don't know how to persuade you that musicxml2ly could and should do better. -- R

Re: musicxml2ly stops making chords after some timing errors

2013-07-06 Thread Pavel Roskin
n't care how the faulty markup looks. But MuseScore got the second measure right. It could recover and musicxml2ly could not. -- Regards, Pavel Roskin ___ bug-lilypond mailing list

musicxml2ly stops making chords after some timing errors

2013-07-06 Thread Pavel Roskin
actual SharpEye 2 output. musicxml2ly is from the current development version of Lilypond. -- Regards, Pavel Roskin";> Part 12 D 4 48 1 whole 12

Percent signs in ghostscript output files should be duplicated

2013-06-22 Thread Pavel Roskin
PAUSE -dBATCH -r1200 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=./Mazurek D%85browskiego.pdf -c.setpdfwrite -fMazurek' failed (256) fatal error: failed files: "Mazurek" Percent signs in the input files (after -f) should not be duplicated. -- Regards, Pavel Rosk

Re: Omitted rests should not collide with anything

2013-06-22 Thread Pavel Roskin
-engraving at its best :) ( I like your repository and your blog. There is so much interesting stuff there! I'll stop now as this thread is getting offtopic. -- Regards, Pavel R

Re: Omitted rests should not collide with anything

2013-06-22 Thread Pavel Roskin
Quoting Janek Warchoł : 2013/6/22 Pavel Roskin : You forgot the source. oops, sorry! It looks like you created an alternative to partcombine! That's very impressive! But I wonder what limitations your approach has compared to partcombine. It would be nice to have an &quo

Re: Omitted rests should not collide with anything

2013-06-22 Thread Pavel Roskin
simply have to use other definitions of the \unisono and \divided functions. You forgot the source. It would be nice to have an "official" snippet for choral music that could be improved. Any workaround needed in that template would obviously have a high priority.

Re: Omitted rests should not collide with anything

2013-06-22 Thread Pavel Roskin
are misplaced. The later might be hard to find during proofreading. It might be especially hard to deal with rests with dots. I'm lucky I haven't seen them in choral music yet. But it's better to be prepared. -- Regards, Pavel Roskin <>__

Omitted rests should not collide with anything

2013-06-21 Thread Pavel Roskin
annot resolve rest collision: rest direction not set \new Voice { r4 } -- Regards, Pavel Roskin ___ bug-lilypond mailing list generates incorrect tempo

2013-06-21 Thread Pavel Roskin
ted as a 40% slowdown for the tempo, so it becomes 4=36. -- Regards, Pavel Roskin ___ bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: convert-ly produces invalid output for KeySignature.c0-position

2013-06-20 Thread Pavel Roskin
ely with different key signatures. Thus KeySignature.c0-position can be renamed and made read-only. -- Regards, Pavel Roskin ___ bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: convert-ly produces invalid output for KeySignature.c0-position

2013-06-19 Thread Pavel Roskin
On Wed, 19 Jun 2013 18:00:09 +0200 David Kastrup wrote: > Pavel Roskin writes: > > > Quoting David Kastrup : > > > >> Pavel Roskin writes: > >> > >>> I just hope you won't take away the ability to adjust the key > >>> signa

Change clef on grace silent rest has no horizontal space

2013-06-19 Thread Pavel Roskin
ld be OK if the bass clef wasn't there. The bug is not limited to the beginning of score. In this example, the change clef appears to have no horizontal extent. \version "2.17.20" { c'4 c'4 \grace { s4 } \clef bass c'4 c'4 } -- Regards, Pavel Roskin <&

Re: convert-ly produces invalid output for KeySignature.c0-position

2013-06-19 Thread Pavel Roskin
Quoting David Kastrup : Pavel Roskin writes: I just hope you won't take away the ability to adjust the key signature without placing the accidentals manually. It would appear that you can adjust the key signature just fine by using the _intended_ context variables for that. If you

\omit Dots acts like \hide Dots

2013-06-19 Thread Pavel Roskin
<< \new Voice { 4. } \new Voice { \omit NoteHead \omit Stem \omit Dots \override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t b'4. } >> >> } -- Regards, Pavel Roskin <>_

Re: convert-ly produces invalid output for KeySignature.c0-position

2013-06-19 Thread Pavel Roskin
Quoting David Kastrup : Pavel Roskin writes: By the way, setting KeySignature.c0-position with \override doesn't work. I had to resort to setting it in Scheme: Given the analysis in a longer mail, I revert my opinion that we need to do something here. c0-position for the relevant

Re: convert-ly produces invalid output for KeySignature.c0-position

2013-06-19 Thread Pavel Roskin
y signature to correspond to the staff clef that is not in effect on the first note (the staff clef is bass, and the first note is after the treble clef). -- Regards, Pavel Roskin ___ bug-lilypond mailing list

convert-ly produces invalid output for KeySignature.c0-position

2013-06-18 Thread Pavel Roskin
= #6 warning: Ignoring non-music expression \override KeySignature.c0-position = #6 error: errors found, ignoring music expression { fatal error: failed files: "" -- Regards, Pavel Roskin _

partcombineChords affects preceding note, gives wrong output

2013-03-01 Thread Pavel Roskin
he notes separately. partcombineChords would be needed to produce a chord. The problems exists both in the current development version and 2.16.1. -- Regards, Pavel Roskin <><>___ bug-lilypond mailing list

Chord of wholes collides with a shorter note in another voice

2012-04-28 Thread Pavel Roskin
to issue 1713. The collision is the same. What is different is the reason for the half note to appear to the right of the whole note. -- Regards, Pavel Roskin <>___ bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: wrong position of a tie between notes in chord

2012-02-29 Thread Pavel Roskin
it would look OK if there were no notes below that are not tied. It's tempting to call it a regression. However, I don't think Lilypond has logic to make ties unambiguous, so the fix would be either to revert collision avoidance and decrease quality of other scores, or to add such lo

Re: Ledger lines in PNG output have white interior

2012-02-16 Thread Pavel Roskin
gards, Pavel Roskin diff --git a/lily/ b/lily/ index 83304ac..1a0fc8f 100644 --- a/lily/ +++ b/lily/ @@ -316,6 +316,14 @@ Ledger_line_spanner::print (SCM smob) ledger_line.translate_axis (

Re: Feature request: cross-staff chords

2012-02-01 Thread Pavel Roskin
wide. It it could be make flexible, the score could use less pages or use the default staff size, which would means less page turns or less strain on eyes for the performer. > All if it is doable but difficult. If you can wait till the summer, > i

Re: Feature request: cross-staff chords

2012-01-31 Thread Pavel Roskin
On Tue, 31 Jan 2012 18:02:35 +0100 Francisco Vila wrote: > 2012/1/31 Pavel Roskin : > > In my opinion, Lilypond should be able to support chords with > > noteheads on different staves.  This is especially important within > > staff groups for keyboard instruments. > &

Feature request: cross-staff chords

2012-01-31 Thread Pavel Roskin
} -- Regards, Pavel Roskin ___ bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Defect: quarter tones sound bad before rest

2012-01-20 Thread Pavel Roskin
On Thu, 19 Jan 2012 18:12:59 -0800 "Keith OHara" wrote: > On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 5:38 PM, Pavel Roskin> > wrote: > > > I have discovered that notes that use quarter tone sound bad before > > rests or at the end of the melody. Here's an exampl

Re: Defect: quarter tones sound bad before rest

2012-01-19 Thread Pavel Roskin
r cry from what it could be, but it doesn't make MIDI an unsupported feature. -- Regards, Pavel Roskin ___ bug-lilypond mailing list

Defect: quarter tones sound bad before rest

2012-01-19 Thread Pavel Roskin
ayer. However, I observed the effect in 3 configurations: timidity as is (with fluid-soundfont-gm) timidity with /etc/timidity++.cfg removed (fluid-soundfont-lite) frescobaldi 2.0.2 player that used fluidsynth, not timidity The effect is less pronounced with instruments other tha

Re: letters like é

2011-12-29 Thread Pavel Roskin
. Layout output to `'... Converting to `./detache.pdf'... Success: compilation successfully completed If there is no such warning for some users, I would consider it a bug in Lilypond. But we haven't heard any details from the original reporter yet. -- Regards, Pavel Ro

Feature request: change clef in the beginning of piece without affecting other staves

2011-12-21 Thread Pavel Roskin
t be ignored and the first clef eliminated? At least there should be an option to suppress such annoying optimization. -- Regards, Pavel Roskin ___ bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Feature request: multiplication should work on notes, chords and all rests

2011-12-15 Thread Pavel Roskin
Quoting Xavier Scheuer : On 15 December 2011 22:58, Pavel Roskin wrote: Hello! For some reason, multiplication only works on full-measure rests and silent rests. It would be nice to make it work on notes, chords and all kinds of rests. For short repetitions, \repeat unfold is an overkill

Feature request: multiplication should work on notes, chords and all rests

2011-12-15 Thread Pavel Roskin
s. *2 Here's an example that shows the inconsistency: \version "2.15.22" \score { << \new Staff << \context Voice = "RightOne" { R1*2 b1*2 } >> >> \layout {} } The rendered score is attached. There is no warning, but the result is

Re: Last dynamics line doesn't stick to the above staff group

2011-12-12 Thread Pavel Roskin
Quoting Keith OHara : Pavel Roskin> writes: > But when using \pageBreak, the lowest dynamics line doesn't stay with > the above staves. Instead, it's positioned in the middle between > staff groups. > I'll post a bug report. The only work-around I

Re: Last dynamics line doesn't stick to the above staff group

2011-12-12 Thread Pavel Roskin
On Mon, 12 Dec 2011 14:35:14 -0500 Pavel Roskin wrote: > Hello! > > I'm trying to use explicit dynamics contexts to align dynamics, avoid > duplicates and position pedal marks as in the original score, as > suggested here: > >

Last dynamics line doesn't stick to the above staff group

2011-12-12 Thread Pavel Roskin
consider it a bug. I'll appreciate if somebody suggests a workaround. -- Regards, Pavel Roskin <>___ bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Using Unicode symbols for accidentals

2011-11-12 Thread Pavel Roskin
e German B. So "B flat" is ambiguous no matter how we write it :( As for the universal notation for include files, it looks like it should be done with "ly:make-pitch". -- Regards, Pavel Roskin ___ bug-lilypond mailing l

Re: Using Unicode symbols for accidentals

2011-11-11 Thread Pavel Roskin
A special "Unicode language" could be a stepping stone towards the first goal. I'll try to implement that if I have time. -- Regards, Pavel Roskin ___ bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Using Unicode symbols for accidentals

2011-11-11 Thread Pavel Roskin
tural for musicians, not for programmers. -- Regards, Pavel Roskin ___ bug-lilypond mailing list

Using Unicode symbols for accidentals

2011-11-11 Thread Pavel Roskin
♯ is shorter and more readable than fsharp, let alone fis. Maybe we could even allow writing chords by gluing notes together and redefining angle brackets for some other task. Compare: ce♭g vs Unicode symbols for accidentals can be found at

Re: Regression in 2.14.2, dynamic cast crash introduced in commit 6f6369c0

2011-11-08 Thread Pavel Roskin
reakage was committed between 2.14.1 and 2.14.2. Likewise, 2.15.x is not affected. -- Regards, Pavel Roskin ___ bug-lilypond mailing list

Regression in 2.14.2, dynamic cast crash introduced in commit 6f6369c0

2011-11-07 Thread Pavel Roskin
} (gdb) dad_con was introduced by the commit in question. It looks like dad_con->implementation is of a wrong type. I hope it should be easy to fix for somebody who knows C++. -- Regards, Pavel Roskin ___ bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: MIDI volume goes beyond maximum after staff change

2011-11-02 Thread Pavel Roskin
p \change Staff="lh" b8 } \new Staff = "lh" { s4 } >> \midi { } } And following is an example of wrong volume in temporary voices: \version "2.14.2" \score { \new Staff \with { midiMaximumVolume = #0.1 } { g8 \p << g8 \\ c8 >> }

MIDI volume goes beyond maximum after staff change

2011-10-31 Thread Pavel Roskin
ness in case of any difficulty. -- Regards, Pavel Roskin \version "2.14.2" \header { title = "Sure on this shining night" composer = "Samuel Barber" poet = "James Agee" opus = "Op. 13, No. 3" } \paper { #(set-paper-size "letter") ragge

Re: MIDI dynamics doesn't apply to multi-voice measures

2011-10-29 Thread Pavel Roskin
Quoting Carl Sorensen : On 10/29/11 8:09 AM, "Pavel Roskin" wrote: Quoting Keith OHara : Pavel Roskin> writes: I'm trying to change relative loudness on the melody and the accompaniment, by it turn out the MIDI dynamics doesn't apply to the measures th

Re: MIDI dynamics doesn't apply to multi-voice measures

2011-10-29 Thread Pavel Roskin
Quoting Keith OHara : Pavel Roskin> writes: I'm trying to change relative loudness on the melody and the accompaniment, by it turn out the MIDI dynamics doesn't apply to the measures that have multiple voices. You now need to put some dynamic mark at the start of eve

MIDI dynamics doesn't apply to multi-voice measures

2011-10-27 Thread Pavel Roskin
lypond, commit 4e8daaedf481c243fdb953e1b14717d20115c262. -- Regards, Pavel Roskin \version "2.14.2" \language "english" \header { title = "Sure on this shining night" composer = "Samuel Barber" poet = "James Agee" opus = "Op. 13, No. 3&qu