weinberg-drums-style doesn't comply with the Guide to Standardized Notation

2023-02-01 Thread Stu McKenzie
I'm referring to the web page https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.24/Documentation/changes/ where it is stated that "The drum notation style weinberg-drums-style was added. It is based on Norman Weinberg’s standardization work". This is indeed a sterling effort on the part of the development team,

Custom percussion style is ignored for the first note when it is a grace note

2023-01-25 Thread Stu McKenzie
There seems to have been various reports of bugs when the first note is a grace note, but this bug has been in many LilyPond versions to date. When the first note of a drum score has a grace note, LilyPond outputs the default note, rather than the custom percussion style. In this case, \ac

LilyPond 2.22.1 convert-ly adds blank lines when converting 2.18.0 using Windows 10 Home

2022-01-12 Thread Stu McKenzie
There's been discussion about a similar issue during 2016, but this is the first time in years that I've tried to upgrade to the latest version. Environment: Microsoft Windows 10 Home, Version 10.0.19043 Build 19043. I've installed the following versions of LilyPond, with the result listed: V

DrumStaff.drumStyleTable is not applied to (acciaccatura) grace notes

2014-09-29 Thread Stu McKenzie
> I'm not top posting. \version "2.18.0" % DrumStaff.drumStyleTable is not applied to % (acciaccatura) grace notes if the grace notes % are the first notes in a score. % % Also, the stem direction of the first grace notes % does not comply with the "voiceOne" direction % This can be forced to com