
I'm trying to reproduce editorial markings in figured bass like in the enclosed image, but get nowhere even after having read the sources.

I admit I don't fully get the add_brackets function in lily/figured-bass-engraver.cc and need someone to correct my commenting of these lines I find in scm/define-music-display-methods.scm;

(define-display-method BassFigureEvent (figure parser)
;;a figure may be composed of 4 elements
(let ((alteration (ly:music-property figure 'alteration)) ;;an alteration (fig (ly:music-property figure 'figure)) ;;a figure (number) (bracket-start (ly:music-property figure 'bracket-start)) ;;an opening bracket (bracket-stop (ly:music-property figure 'bracket-stop))) ;;a closing bracket
;;that should be follow this order
    (format #f "~a~a~a~a"
            (if (null? bracket-start) "" "[")  ;;optional editorial
            (cond ((null? fig) "_")  ;;reserved place in the column
((markup? fig) (second fig)) ;; fig: (<number-markup> "number")
                  (else fig))
            (if (null? alteration)
                ""  ;;no accidental
                (cond  ;;the different permitted accidentals
                 ((= alteration DOUBLE-FLAT) "--")
                 ((= alteration FLAT) "-")
                 ((= alteration NATURAL) "!")
                 ((= alteration SHARP) "+")
                 ((= alteration DOUBLE-SHARP) "++")
                 (else "")))
            (if (null? bracket-stop) "" "]"))))  ;;optional editorial

I don't find anything wrong in my code

\version "2.17.22"
\new Staff <<
   \new Voice { g'1 }
   \new FiguredBass \figuremode { <[6 5]>2 <6 5]> } >>

but don't see the last closing bracket despite its announcement.

Could anyone help me finish this BWV246 project?

<<attachment: extract.png>>

<<attachment: Brackets.preview.png>>

-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/Partothek/Astuces/" -*-
Compilation started at Sun Jul 21 19:31:50

lilypond -dpreview Brackets.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.17.22
Traitement de « Brackets.ly »
  (list (make-music
            (list (make-music
                    (list (make-music
                            (ly:make-duration 1 0 1)
                            (ly:make-duration 1 0 1)
                    (list (make-music
                            (ly:make-duration 1 0 1)
                            (ly:make-duration 1 0 1)

Interprétation en cours de la musique...
Pré-traitement des éléments graphiques...
Détermination du nombre optimal de pages...
Répartition de la musique sur une page...
Dessin des systèmes...
Sortie mise en page vers « Brackets.ps »...
Conversion à « ./Brackets.pdf »...
Sortie mise en page vers « Brackets.preview.eps »...
Conversion à « ./Brackets.preview.pdf »...
Conversion à « PNG »...
Compilation menée à son terme, avec succès.

Compilation finished at Sun Jul 21 19:31:52
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