> I'm not top posting.

This is a beauty problem when using chords. The volta brackets come above the
chords as should be, but the white space between the brackets gets too large for
my taste.. Maybe if the chords could shift sideways a little when used with
volta brackets? Thus the bracket line would come down a little, nearer to the

Also the rehearsal marks gets high up when there would be plenty of space under
the bracket. This happens also sometimes when only a \mark and a chord is placed
in the same bar. In this example the latter doesn't happen for some reason..

\version "2.12.2"
\score {  
  \chords { s2 c1 g c c a:m c }
  \new Voice = "melody" \relative c' {
    \new Voice = "pickup" { \partial 2 c2 } 
    \new Voice = "verse" \relative c' {
      \repeat volta 2 {c4 d e f | g1 | }
          \alternative { { c2 d } { e2 f } }
    \new Voice = "end" \relative c''' { \mark \markup { \circle 1 } a2 b | \mark
\markup { \circle 2 } c1 }  
  \new Lyrics = "firstline" \lyricsto pickup { pick }
  \context Lyrics = "firstline" \lyricsto verse {
    \repeat volta 2 { do re mi fa sol } 
    \alternative { { dom rem } { mim fam } }
  \new Lyrics = "secondline" \lyricsto verse {
    dodo rere mimi fafa solsol- }
  \context Lyrics = "firstline" \lyricsto end { la si do }

But it happens in this (rather long, tried to mark the spot) example i'm working
on, and I can't understand why...

\version "2.12.2"  

intro = { 
        \clef treble
        \key f \major
        \time 2/2
        c'2\fermata d\fermata e\fermata(
        \bar "|"
        g4) r8 f c4 a |
        f f' e d |
        c4 r8 b bes4 g |
        d r g4. f8 |
        e2 bes'4. a8 
        g2 e'4. d8 |
        c4 a bes8 g4.
        f4 r r2
        R1*2 }
harmonies = \chordmode {
s1. f1 f c:7 g:m g:m g:m f2:/c c:7 f1 c:7 f:m 
    % Stadin kundi
    c1:7 f:m f:m c:7 c:7 c:7 c:7 f:m f:m
    f:m f:m ees ees ees aes c:7 c:7

\paper {
        top-margin = 20\mm
        bottom-margin = 20\mm
        line-width = 210\mm - 40\mm
        left-margin = 20\mm
        ragged-bottom = ##t
        ragged-last = ##t
\header {
        title = "Duurissa ja mollissa"

        subtitle = "Georg Malmstén -sävelmiä"
        arranger = "sov. Teuvo Laine"
        % tagline = ""

\score { <<
        \new ChordNames { 
                \set chordChanges = ##t

        \new Staff { <<
        \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Laulu"
    \override Score.ChordName #'font-family = #'roman
        \override Score.ChordName #'font-size = #0
        \new Voice = "laulu" \relative c' {
% stadin kundi          
                \new Voice = "koho" \relative c' { r2 c'2 }
                \new Voice = "kertaus" \relative c' { 
                        \repeat volta 2 { 
                                \mark \markup { \box A }
                                \key f \minor 
                                f4 f f aes |
                                c c c f, |
                                e e e g | 
                                c2. des4 | 
                                bes c aes bes | g2 aes |  
                                { f2. r4 | r2 r4 c'4 | }
                                { f,1~ f4 } 
                \new Voice = "tsiikasin" \relative c' { 
                        r4 ees2 |
                        \bar "||"
% HERE IT IS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
                        \mark \markup { \circle 1 }
% HERE IT IS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
                        ees'4 ees ees f |
                        c bes bes c |
                        bes     aes aes bes | 
                        c2. c,4 |
                        c' c c des |
                        bes bes bes g |
                        aes g aes f |
                        g2. c4 |
                        f,4 f f aes |
                        c c c f, |
                        e e e g | 
                        c2. des4 | 
                        bes c aes bes | 
                        g2 aes |
                        f1 ~ |
                        f4 c' d e |
                \new Voice = "heipparal" \relative c''' {
                        \bar "||" 
                        \key f \major
                        \mark \markup { \circle 2 }
                        g4 r8 f c4 a |
                        f f' e d |
                        c4 r8 b bes4 g |
                        d r g4. f8 |
                        e2 bes'4. a8 
                        g2 e'4. d8 |
                        c4 d bes c |
                        a c d e |
                        g4. f8 c4 a |
                        f f' e d |
                        c4. b8 bes4 g |
                        d r4 g4. f8 |
                        e2 bes'4. a8 |
                        g2 e'4. d8
                        c4 a bes g |
                        \addQuote "stadicue" { \relative c'' { r2 R1*53 r4 f e 
d c a bes8 g4. a4 f g8
e4. d4 } 

                        \cueDuring #"stadicue" #UP { r4 r2 R1 R1 \bar "||" 
\time 3/4 r4 }

% Särkynyt onni

        }       % tähän päättyy Voice = "laulu"
        \new Lyrics = "ykkösrivi" \lyricsto koho { Kun }
        \context Lyrics = "ykkösrivi" \lyricsto kertaus { \repeat volta 2 { en 
-- si
ker -- ran e -- lä -- mäs -- sä  sil -- mät a -- va -- sin ja tä -- tä maail --
maa kat -- se -- } \alternative { { lin, niin } { si.” __ } }
        \new Lyrics = "kakkosrivi" \lyricsto kertaus { mut -- si sa -- noi: 
”Kat -- so
poi -- ka, tää on Hel -- sin -- ki, sun i -- ki -- o -- ma sta -- di-

        \context Lyrics = "ykkösrivi" \lyricsto tsiikasin {  
                  Mä tsii -- ka -- sin ja i -- hai -- lin ja niin mä rie -- mas 
-- tuin, et’
mei -- nas en -- si mai -- to -- an -- nos men -- nä o -- hi -- suin, 
                 mut mut -- si sa -- noi: ”Soo soo poi -- ka, näy -- tä tai -- 
to -- si ja di
-- vaa en -- siks mai -- to -- si.” 
                 Juu, juu ja 
        \context Lyrics = "ykkösrivi" \lyricsto heipparal { heip -- pa -- ral 
-- lal --
laa, on ki -- vaa jos -- kus ral -- lat -- taa, lau -- lu tää vir -- kis -- tää,
sy -- dän -- tä se läm -- mit -- tää. 
                 Mä sta -- din kun -- di oon, o -- hoi! En lau -- la -- mat -- 
ta ol -- la
voi. Mal -- ja -- ni, kal -- ja -- ni, juon mä sta -- din on -- nek -- si.  

        >> } % tähän päättyy Staff
>> } % tähän päättyy Score

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