On Wednesday 14 April 2004 18.54, Roland Goretzki wrote:
> Hi,
> lilypond-version is 2.2.0.
> If there are two areas of repeats in a piano-piece directly one after
> another, lilypond creates automatically a correct double-repeat-barline
> (":|:").
> Unfortunately, in one piece this double-repeat-barline appears at page
> break, and what happens, is the following:
> The repeat-barline on the first page is correct like ":|" over the two
> staffs of piano-music, but the second ("|:"), which appears on the
> second page at first after the keys, is broken between the two staffs of
> piano-music.
> first page:     :||             second page:      ||:
> I can't find a solution to correct it.
> What did I not see? Or is it a bug?

It is a bug. I added it to the bug database.


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