
I added this bug, as progerror-lyrics-staff.

\header { texidoc = 
"This code results in a 'programming error'.
In the first example, two empty bars are added also.

In the second example, the two <<>>:s belong to the same
Staff context, but are typeset as different staves.

\version "2.2.1"

\score {
    \new Staff {
            \context Voice = "sopr" \notes \relative c' {
                c4 d e8 f g4 a b c2
            \context Lyrics \lyricsto "sopr" \lyrics {
                c d e f g a b c
            \context Voice = "alto" \notes \relative c'' {
                c4 b a8 g f4 e d c2
            \context Lyrics \lyricsto "alto" \lyrics {
                c b a g f e d c

\score {
            \context Staff = A \context Voice = "sopr" \notes \relative c' {
                c4 d e8 f g4 a b c2
            \context Lyrics \lyricsto "sopr" \lyrics {
                c d e f g a b c
            \context Staff = A \context Voice = "alto" \notes \relative c'' {
                c4 b a8 g f4 e d c2
            \context Lyrics \lyricsto "alto" \lyrics {
                c b a g f e d c

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