2008/7/25 David Biddiscombe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


> Below is an input file representing small parts of a file for a four-verse 
> song.

May I invite you to have a look at the two following pages for your
future reports?



> The rhythm of the fourth verse, which differs from that of the other verses, 
> is
> shown in the .pdf file by the small notes above the top staff, except that the
> two small quavers must be (a) beamed, (b) with a slur/tie **above** the beam,
> and (c) in line with the other three small notes. (The markups are attached to
> the **alto** input to avoid complications over stem directions.) I've tried a
> number of markup variations, but can't get the necessary output.

The markup \note function is only meant for printing separate notes
(it doesn't support beams nor ties). You're looking for the markup
\score function, as in:

\relative {
  d2^\markup {
    \score {
      \new Staff \with {
        fontSize = #-3
        \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #0
        \remove "Clef_engraver"
        \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
        \remove "Bar_engraver"
        \consists "Pitch_squash_engraver"
        squashedPosition = #0
      { c2. c4 c c8( c) }
      \layout {}

If you want these notes to be horizontally synchronized with the main
score, you will have to use an invisible staff (like the one in this
markup) above your ChoirStaff.

> Also, for some reason, the first alto crotchet f is not offset from the 
> soprano
> g, although in every similar case in the the complete song (as for example in
> the last chord in this extract) the output is correct.

Beware of your use of simultaneous polyphonic constructs. You're
placing two Voices on a Staff (which is fine), *but* in your altoMusic
variable you used << >>, which in turn instantiates two voices
(defaulting to voiceOne and voiceTwo). Hence the mess with the first
Your hack with invisible notes shouldn't be needed anymore.

> Lastly, is it possible to make bar lines (of all types) thinner? Line 10 of 
> the
> file below is an attempt (but doesn't work).

The correct property is #'hair-thickness, and the BarLine objects live
in the Staff context (not Voice).

> PS: I'm using LilyPond version 2.10.33, notwithstanding email advice (from
> Graham Percival on 4 and 6 Apr 2008) to use a 2.11 version, because Mats
> Bengtsson in an email of 19 Feb 2008 on a previous enquiry advised me to use 
> the
> latest **stable** version'. Also I find that switching versions involves a 
> great
> deal of work, over and above using convert-ly, in making older files work.

For the kind of music you appear to write, the conversion should be
straight-forward... if needed at all (the example you sent, for
instance, is fully compatible with 2.11).

V. Villenave

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