Building make under Windows with CygWin

2001-06-20 Thread John Ousterhout
I've been trying to build GNU make 3.79.1-3 from sources in the CygWin environment, but I can't get the configure script to complete successfully. Here's more detail: - I'm running under Windows 2000; I have the default binary installation of CygWin, plus the sources for make 3.79.1-3, download

Re: archive member timestamps on solaris 2.8?

2001-06-20 Thread Paul D. Smith
You need to build make with the --disable-nsec-timestamps flag. The UNIX format for archive members allows only the standard 32-bit timestamp, so it doesn't work with sub-second timestamps. In the next version of GNU make, there's a more discrete capability for specifying which targets should be

archive member timestamps on solaris 2.8?

2001-06-20 Thread Derek M. Flynn
I am using GNU make 3.79.1 on Solaris 2.8. The following makefile illustrates the problem I'm observing: TARGET = libfoo.a SRC= foo.c OBJ= $(SRC:%.c=%.o) all: $(TARGET)($(OBJ)) $(OBJ): $(SRC) I'm trying to use the implicit rules to manage the archive, but I'm finding that make always

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2001-06-20 Thread WebPop
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