Follow-up Comment #2, bug #62173 (project make):

The patch contains the following changes
-my $arflags = 'rv';
+my $arflags = '-rv';
+if ($^O eq 'aix') {
+    $arflags = "-Xany -rv";

That reason for the first part of the patch, specifically
-my $arflags = 'rv';
+my $arflags = '-rv'
is the following

The test has the following piece of code

$_ = `$ar U$arflags libxx.a a1.o $redir`;
if ($? == 0) {
    $arflags = 'Urv';
    $arvar = "$arvar ARFLAGS=$arflags";

This piece of code causes $arvar contain $arflags.
This happens only when ar supports -U. This is relatively new version of gnu
Other systems (not only aix) won't have ar support -U and $arvar on those
systems does not contain $arflags. The default value of ARFLAGS builtin in
make was change from 'rv' to -rv' in 0e020bbc24d89592e9ea15f9e8b887a71692eedf.
This makes the test fail on any system where ar does not support -U.

The other part of the patch, specifically
+if ($^O eq 'aix') {
+    $arflags = "-Xany -rv";
is indeed aix specific. I originally proposed to use an env var OBJECT_MODE
and keep arflags intact on aix (see sv 59096). But that robs the user of the
ability to override the value.
However, i'd call this change trivial.

> I have quite a few of similar issues with the test suite on MS-Windows, but
I never thought I should make changes non-trivial to the test suite to make
those pseudo-failures pass.  Instead, I eyeball the test diffs to determine
whether the issue is real or not. 

i once had to make a change which affected windows (sv 60774). Once i was able
to build make, i wanted to check that the test suite passes. It did not. i am
not familiar with windows. i'd definitely appreciate if the test suite passed.
Similarly, if you ever have to make a change on sun or aix, etc, you'll
appreciate if the test suite passes.


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