Hello there,
I found a strange bug while reading a makefile
with CRLF on Linux.
(I know, I shouldn't have CRLF files under unix,
but this is another problem ;-)

My make version is v 3.79.1

The error message is :

amdba.mak.ko:11: *** missing separator. Stop.

(The makefile contains a long variable definition,
with all lines terminated by a CRLF
BAD_RELOBJS = ../../adb.o \

  ../../app.o \

  ../../amdba.o \

  ../../authoriz.o \

  ../../dbbdiff.o \

  ../../dbcheck.o \

  ../../dbdump.o \


Obviously this is a parsing error, because if you either
- Replace all CRLFs by LFs
- Insert a space, say in one of the first 10 lines
the makefile gets read properly.

I extracted the interesting part of the makefile
and attached it.
By itself it contains no target, and should generate a
'no target' error instead of the missing sep error.

I digged a bit into the source, but did not spot the problem
easily, that's why I'm sorry to send you a bug report
and not a patch.

If you need some more infos, please ask me, I would
be pleased to answer you.

Bye, And continue your good job,

Eric Estievenart
Software Engineer
BAD_RELOBJS = ../../adb.o \
  ../../app.o \
  ../../amdba.o \
  ../../authoriz.o \
  ../../dbbdiff.o \
  ../../dbcheck.o \
  ../../dbdump.o \
  ../../formats.o \
  ../../membuf.o \
  ../../cfile.o \
  ../../ctimeex.o \
  ../../wthread.o \
  ../../logmsg.o \
  ../../wppdll.o \
  ../../crtstb.o \
  ../../cnslestb.o \
  ../../help.o \
  ../../cstring.o \
  ../../timezone.o \
  ../../prof.o \
  ../../tstmem.o \
  ../../int64.o \
  ../../parsers.o \
  ../../cvariant.o \
  ../../voidlist.o \
  ../../infoman.o \
  ../../wpplang.o \
  ../../comp.o \
  ../../vartype.o \
  ../../option.o \
  ../../blobcach.o \
  ../../cgraph.o \
  ../../wppio.o \
  ../../strfile.o \
  ../../preproc.o \
  ../../cfgfile.o \
  ../../iosock.o \
  ../../iosckstb.o \
  ../../cdict.o \
  ../../simphash.o \
  ../../cregex.o \
  ../../scrpteng.o \
  ../../simparse.o \
  ../../enscript.o \
  ../../actions.o \
  ../../builtins.o \
  ../../callfunc.o \
  ../../enable.o \
  ../../interpr.o \
  ../../object.o \
  ../../parse.o \
  ../../rpterror.o \
  ../../safearr.o \
  ../../storage.o \
  ../../strclass.o \
  ../../variable.o \
  ../../invoke.o \
  ../../wppbltin.o \
  ../../bistub.o \
  ../../unixspec.o \
  ../../worktime.o \
  ../../tzwin.o \
  ../../aboutbox.o \
  ../../cgform.o \
  ../../editbtn.o \
  ../../filectrl.o \
  ../../flyby.o \
  ../../gdibase.o \
  ../../listex.o \
  ../../logcnt.o \
  ../../menu.o \
  ../../scroll.o \
  ../../status.o \
  ../../wnd.o \
  ../../wppbase.o \
  ../../wppbtn.o \
  ../../wppcntrl.o \
  ../../gdix.o \
  ../../wppx.o \
  ../../mlistord.o \
  ../../notebook.o \
  ../../timectrl.o \
  ../../medit.o \
  ../../paned.o \
  ../../scroller.o \
  ../../colorcmb.o \
  ../../edit.o \
  ../../foprogrs.o \
  ../../document.o \
  ../../ani.o \
  ../../chart.o \
  ../../wcedctrl.o \
  ../../htmlctrl.o \
  ../../adbrec.o \
  ../../adbcnx.o \
  ../../dbquery.o \
  ../../dbparse.o \
  ../../dbright.o \
  ../../sqlengin.o \
  ../../adbddl.o \
  ../../adbcache.o \
  ../../cluster.o \
  ../../dbfeat.o \
  ../../dbscript.o \
  ../../adbobj.o \
  ../../adbstub.o \
  ../../clusstub.o \
  ../../adbostb.o \
  ../../curcache.o \
  ../../oracle.o \
  ../../orclstb.o \
  ../../sybase.o \
  ../../sybcsstb.o \
  ../../sybctstb.o \
  ../../dbalias.o \
  ../../aparser.o \
  ../../astbase.o \
  ../../atokbuf.o \
  ../../dlexbase.o \
  ../../pcctsast.o \
  ../../dlglexer.o \
  ../../sqlparse.o \
  ../../optnmgr.o \
  ../../dbopnctl.o \
  ../../cnxdlg.o \
  ../../adblist.o \
  ../../adbdrag.o \
  ../../adbchart.o \
  ../../dbctrl.o \
  ../../adblnked.o \
  ../../optncnt.o \
  ../../adbview.o \
  ../../longhelp.o \
  ../../lhedctrl.o \
  ../../queryedt.o \
  ../../navstub.o \
  ../../sgengine.o \
  ../../stubgen.o \
  ../../dbmap.o \
  ../../template.o \
  ../../grammar.o \
  ../../wizadb.o \
  ../../wadbmstb.o \
  ../../wizedit.o \
  ../../wizeng.o \
  ../../wizgui.o \
  ../../wizctrl.o \
  ../../wizstub.o \
  ../../wizmtstb.o \
  ../../bstr.o \
  ../../smartptr.o \
  ../../amdbver.o \
  ../../authbox.o \
  ../../varright.o \
  ../../wppgen.o \

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