​running "adduser -s -uid_start 6464 -group vmail -batch vmail"
​outputs - Added user ``vmail''
​the problem being the quotes
​if I don't use -batch flag and just use "adduser -s -uid_start 6464 -group 
vmail vmail"
​running "adduser t0 -s -uid_start 6969 -group vmail"
​it will still ask the questions
​even though /etc/adduser.conf is present and is read - it doesn't output that 
is being considered in the output.
Use option ``-silent'' if you don't want to see all warnings and questions.
  Reading /etc/shells
  Check /etc/master.passwd
  Check /etc/group
  Ok, let's go.
  Don't worry about mistakes. There will be a chance later to correct any input.
  Enter username []: t0
  Enter full name []:
  Enter shell bash csh git-shell ksh nologin sh [bash]:
  Uid [1002]:
  Login group t0 [t0]:
  Login group is ``t0''. Invite t0 into other groups: guest no
  Login class authpf bgpd daemon default pbuild staff unbound vmd xenodm
  Enter password []:
  Disable password logins for the user? (y/n) [n]: y
  Name: t0
  Password: ****
  Fullname: t0
  Uid: 1002
  Gid: 1002 (t0)
  Groups: t0
  Login Class: default
  HOME: /home/t0
  Shell: /usr/local/bin/bash
  OK? (y/n) [y]:
  Added user ``t0''
  Copy files from /etc/skel to /home/t0
  Add another user? (y/n) [y]: n
  ​check the issue with quotes ``  &&  ''
  ​In my opinion​, it should ask if I want to add another user
  ​Documentation is a bit confusing as it does not specify where the username 
should be in the command ( should it be before flags, or after ).
  ​Ase this is not related to a hardware problem, version should be enough
  ​- hel0# uname -a
  OpenBSD hel0.my.domain 7.2 GENERIC#6 amd64
  ​I just started using openbsd, I have exposure to other distros ( RHEL based )
  ​I feel like this is the worst bug report I've ever created, you don't have a 
bug tracking platform, and I have to do it over email.
  ​Thanks for your time

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