Hello Openbsd,

I have been using Openbsd for a couple of years now as a
router/firewall machine.  I access the openbsd machine from one of the
machines behind, via ssh on the lan.  I do the rebuilds of the kernel
and userland discussed below "over the wire".

Whenever the buglist requires, I recompile the kernel and userland
following the procedures in the FAQ.

I have managed to do this procedure, without incident, about 6 or 8
times during the life of Version 5.9, 6.0 and now 6.1.  When I first
installed Version 6.1, shortly after release, I did the procedure just
to make sure all my configurations were working ok - successfully.

After the short list of bugs appeared for Version 6.1 I tried to
rebuild the kernel and userland.  The kernel compilation and
installation works fine but the userland compile halts with an error.
I have attached the part of the compilation output that shows the error.

See attached text file OBSD6_1_compilefail.txt

I was careful to ensure that /usr/obj was owned by build:wobj with
permissions 770.  I also manually deleted everything in the
subdirectory as root using "rm -r eachdir"

I have tried the kernel and userland rebuild several times, and have
erased the source and re-downloaded a couple of times and get the same
result when compiling the new kernel (success!) and rebuilding userland

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

John Watts
Cranbrook, BC

rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog *.core y.tab.h      
===> regress/gnu/egcs/gcc-builtins
rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog *.core y.tab.h      
exec make includes
cd /usr/src/include &&  su build -c 'exec make prereq' &&  exec make includes
make: Permission denied: Permission denied
*** Error 2 in . (Makefile:55 'includes')
*** Error 1 in . (Makefile:87 'do-build')
*** Error 1 in /usr/src (Makefile:74 'build')

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