Greetings Beloved,

Compliments of the day to you! By this e-mail, I do sincerely apologize for my 
intrusion of your privacy. However, I have a serious concern with which I 
believe you might be of help and for this reason I decided to e-mail you 
believing in my faith that you will handle this issue with sincere mind. I am 
Mrs. Justin Anne Sandler, I'm 56yrs old, German citizen by birth and I'm 
married to an Australian by the name Mr. Murphy Ray Sandler, he died two years 

Please I am contacting you to let you know my desire to establish a charity 
foundation in your country with some amount in American Dollars ( The total 
amount will be disclosed to you when you reply to this mail) which I inherited 
from my late husband ( Mr. Murphy Ray Sandler) It is my desire to see that this 
money is invested to any charity organization of your choice in your country 
and distributed each year among the charity organizations, motherless baby's 
home, mosques, churches, Schools, supporting destitute aged men and women or 
whatever you may have in mind that will be to the benefit of the less fortunate.

I took this decision because I was raised from a motherless baby's home and 
presently, I'm hospitalized where I am undergoing treatment for an upcoming 
major heart surgery operation. Please reply as soon as possible to confirming 
your acceptance to this proposition so that I will give you all the relevant 
information that will authorize the release and transfer of the fund to you as 
my duly assigned representative.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and I look forward to hearing from 
you urgently. 

Warm regards,
Mrs. Justine Anne Sandler.

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