I'm setting up a new machine. At some point I'm going to run a command
something like "pkg_add firefox ... lua ... ImageMagick". This goes off
and downloads a million things, before eventually asking me what
version of lua I want. I pick, then things go on, then eventually some
dependency of ImageMagick, and so on.

The problem is I'd like to walk away and take a nap while the
downloading is taking place, but I can't because pkg_add asks
questions in the middle. I have alternately tried frontloading or
backloading known ambiguous packages, but new flavors and dependencies
are always being introduced so that's not very effective.

I would like pkg_add to scan the list of requested packages, their
recursive dependencies, and then present me with all the questions at

Ideally, it would also only ask the question once. Among the ... above
I usually include git and rsync, but rsync is a dependency for git,
which means pkg_add asks me twice which flavor I want.

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