Filemaker Login Bypass and Privilege Escalation


Title:                  Filemaker Login Bypass and Privilege Escalation
Discovery date:         19/10/2014
Release date:           19/10/2014
Vendor Homepage:
Version:                Filemaker Pro 13.0v3 - FileMaker Pro Advanced 12.0v4
Credits:                Giuseppe D'Amore 

Class:                  Authentication Bypass and Privilege Escalation
Category:               Desktop Application
Severity:               High
CVSS v2 Vector:         7.2 AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C
CVE-ID:                 CVE-2014-8347


This security vulnerability affects:

        * FileMaker Pro 13.0v3 - FileMaker Pro Advanced 12.0v4


There is a obvious vulnerability of FileMaker that allow access to the local 
FM-based database file:
On DBEngine dll, there is a function called MatchPasswordData:

        5BB8D53A   C68424 74020000 >MOV BYTE PTR SS:[ESP+274],0
        5BB8D542   FF15 D437D25B    CALL DWORD PTR 
DS:[<&Support.??1PasswordHash@Draco@@QAE@XZ>]  <-- Compute the password's hash.
        5BB8D548   8B8C24 6C020000  MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+26C]
        5BB8D54F   5F               POP EDI
        5BB8D550   5E               POP ESI
        5BB8D551   8AC3             MOV AL,BL                   <-- if AL is 0 
then you are not authenticated else if AL is 1 you are authenticated,
                                                                    so simply 
by changing a single bit you are able to bypass the login,
                                                                    also if 
your username is Admin, you can obtain a privilege escalation and full 
permissions on DB.
        5BB8D553   64:890D 00000000 MOV DWORD PTR FS:[0],ECX
        5BB8D55A   5B               POP EBX
        5BB8D55B   8BE5             MOV ESP,EBP
        5BB8D55D   5D               POP EBP
        5BB8D55E   C2 0400          RETN 4

it doesn't matter if your desktop or mobile application is developed in a 
"secure manner", your confidential data on the database can be accessed.


    * 19/10/2014 - Public disclosure and simultaneously initial vendor contact.

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