Digital Armaments September-October Hacking Challenge: Symbian

Challenge pubblication 09.04.2007

I. Details

Digital Armaments officially announce the launch of September-October hacking 

The challenge starts on September 1. For the September-October Challenge, 
Digital Armaments will give 5000 credits EXTRA for each submission that results 
in a Symbian Vulnerability. This should include example and documentation. The 
submission must be sent during the September/October months and be received by 
midnight EST on October 31, 2007. The 5000 credits will be an extra added to 
the normal vulnerability payment (check the DACP scheme).


II. References 

For further information on Digital Armaments Contributor Program (DACP) please 
refer at:

Details of credits value can be found at:


III. Legal Notices

Copyright © 2007 Digital Armaments Inc. 

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in any way. Reprint the whole is allowed, partial reprint is not permitted. For 
any other request please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for permission. Disclaimer: 
The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate at the time of 
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