Affected systems:

Intel D845HV / WN (tested on BIOS revisions P05-0022,
P09-0035, P10-0038)
and D845PT (tested on BIOS P01-0012) Pentium 4 motherboards


If the user hits the F8 key during the POST they are
presented with a "Please select boot device" dialog,
enabling them to boot off of any bootable device in the PC
(FDD, HDD, CDROM, Network, etc).

This dialog is obtainable regardless of whether a Supervisor
password has been set in the BIOS, and the "User Access
Level" does not affect the user's ability to boot from an
alternate device.

This is obviously a concern to any administrator who doesn't
want users to be able to boot from an alternate device, as
this could enable different software / OS to be installed,
it enables boot sector viral infection, and can also give
the user better access to the PC's file system.

Workaround: (Untested by author on D845PT, tested and
working on HV / WN)

To stop the user from being able to boot off of alternate
devices, follow this procedure:

Set a Supervisor password in the BIOS, and set the User
access level to "No Access"

In the BOOT options, Boot Device Priority, disable
everything except the Hard Disk (as you normally would).

In the Removable Drives and ATAPI CD-ROM Drives option,
disable all shown devices. Also disable any other hard
drives which may be in the PC (other than the one you want
to boot from).

Save and Exit.

The user can still press F8, and get the boot option
dialogue with all available devices listed, but regardless
of which device they select the PC will boot from the hard disk.

Intel are working on a new BIOS release which will
completely remove (or allow you to disable) the F8 option.

Thanks to Intel & for the workaround.

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