Thanks Sean,
I ended up doing something similar to what you mention.
hg clone -u jdk8u45-b14 jdk8u45-b14
cd jdk8u45-b14
bash ./
bash ./make/scripts/ update jdk8u45-b14
On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 12:01 PM, Seán Coffey
> 8u45 was
8u45 was a Critical Patch Update (CPU) release and such releases are not
worked via the OpenJDK forests. You won't be able to build the
equivalent of Oracle JDK from OpenJDK sources given that the Oracle JDK
contains extra features like plugin and installer bundles.
The Oracle JDK is built on
I'm trying to figure out how to build the OpenJDK so that it's at parity
with the OracleJDK version.
For example I want to build OpenJDK that is the equivalent of 8u45.
Appreciate if someone could point me into the correct direction to any
literature that explains how this is done.
I've see it's