[Business Bay] ******Berlin Business Tower**** NO COMMISSION** I M OWNER

2008-10-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berlin Business Tower 20-80 Payment Plan Liwan Mizin Office for sale, 890.17 sqf (I am the owner) 16th Floor O.P 1570/sqf 10% Paid 5% Dec 08 Subject to commencement of piling & shoring 5% Subject to completion of basements 80%on Completion Selling Price 5% net Thanki

[Business Bay] ***BERLIN BUSINESS TOWER***

2008-09-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Business Tower Berlin 20-80 Payment Plan Liwan Mizin Office for sale, 890.17 sqf (I am the owner) 16th Floor O.P 1570/sqf 10% Paid 5% Dec 08 Subject to commencement of piling & shoring 5% Subject to completion of basements 80%on Completion *Selling Price 5% net* Thank

[Business Bay] ****Berlin Business Tower****

2008-09-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Business TowerBerlin* *20-80 Payment Plan *Liwan Mizin Office for sale, 890.17 sqf (I am the owner) 16th Floor O.P 1570/sqf 10% Paid 5% Dec 08 Subject to commencement of piling & shoring 5% Subject to completion of basements 80%on Completion Selling Price 5% net Than


2008-08-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Berlin Business Tower* ** *20-80 Payment Plan *Liwan Mizin Offices for sale, 890.17 sqf *(I am the owner)* *16th Floor * O.P 1570/sqf 5% Paid 5% Oct 08 Subject to commencement of construction 5% Subject to commencement of piling & shoring 5% Subject to completion of basements 80% on Completion