Hi. I am sending this email to everyone on my contact list in order to bring their attention to how bad and sad all the Muslims in this world are feeling these days after knowing that a paster in US along with his so-called 50 or so followers and friends are planning of having a bone-fire of Muslims Holy Book, The Quran. They are running a campaign on facebook. The name of their campaign is "Burn a day Quran". That too he is doing this in the Holy Month of Ramadan. ( My anger for this idiot has no limits )
If you are unaware of this, kindly do google "Terry Jones" and you will find various links telling you the same about this developing story. ( I am not sending spam and making something totally up). I just want to express my personal feelings about it and want to tell everyone on my list, may he/ she be a Muslim, a Christian, a Hindu, a Buddhist, or for that matter any other religion in this world, that since finding about this stupid man's stupid intentions of doing such a dirty low life act, i am feeling completely sick to my stomach. And i am sure each and every single Muslim whoever finds out about this incident will feel the same way. We should be more tolerant towards people around us and should not want to hurt somebody's feelings for their religion. Therefore this person Terry Jones must be stopped. I seriously and very strongly condemn the intentions of this person. I am really furious because of this man's intentions and i request every recipient to at least wish that nothing like this should happen and that this person must be stopped. Regards, *Asif Iqbal Niazi Sales & Leasing Manager *** *MODELUX PROPERTIES Cell: **050-9957409 / 055-6358756* *Tel: 04-3298298 Fax: **0**4-329690**0 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Note: I apologize If this email has caused any sort of inconvenience and in case you would like to be removed from my mailing list, kindly reply to this email with 'REMOVE' in the subject line. If i am not responding to your call, please leave me an SMS and i shall get back with you soon. Thanx.* -- Fantastic real estate opportunities, all in one group: "Dubai Business Bay Properties" Share it with your friends and colleagues. Free to join. Just send your request to us. Visit our group at: http://groups.google.com/group/businessbay-properties?hl=en ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Healthy Living with: http://healthybaba.com