ARRL has a nice SSB contest for those of you wanting to improve your operating 
skills or just collect some missing states for a WAS. You can read the rules 
and exchange information at the ARRL site

Basically you can operate for 24 hours with the following exchange:

Serial Number of the contact, your power level (A for low B for high), your 
call sign, last two digits of the year you were licensed, and your section. An 
example would be 

123 B K0NM 76 STX

123 is my QSO contact number, B is my high power, 76 is the year I was licensed 
and STX is my ARRL section for south Texas. 

Get on the air and have some fun even if you do not want to send in a log for 
the contest. Or, just get on the air to listen to some really good operators in 
the contest. 

If you want to challenge yourself, see how many sections you can work. There 
are a total of 83 ARRL section. See if you can get a clean sweep for working 
all 83 sections. 

Have fun. 
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