November 1, 1931 BROADCASTING

Ultra - High Waves Appear Favorable For Television Use Better Than Low 
Frequencies, Many Engineers Believe SIGNIFICANT developments of the past few 
months in the use of the ultra -high frequencies for television indicate quite 
definitely, according to authoritative opinion, that visual broadcasting 
ultimately will repose in the bands between 43,000 and 80,000 kc., rather than 
in the continental short waves. Certain fundamental facts about the ultra -high 
frequencies already have been ascertained by experimenters, and, while it is 
yet too early to say just what they will do in visual radio transmission, many 
engineers feel that they are better adapted for television than the lower 
frequencies. Lack of space in the lower bands actually forced television 
experi- mentation into the ultra -high waves which hitherto have been regarded 
as practically worthless. It seems certain, however, that visual transmission 
on those frequencies will be purely local, with the impulses traveling only to 
the horizon like transmissions of light beams. When "moving day" in the high 
frequencies occurs next February 3, pursuant to the provisions of General Order 
119, recently pro- mulgated by the Federal Radio Commission, there will be two 
changes directly affecting television and designed to aid its development. The 
1,550 kc. channel adbjacent to the broadcast band will ecome the television 
sound track for sound synchronized with visual transmission. This frequency may 
be tuned on most broadcast receivers, and it replaces the 1,604 kc. sound track 
channel. The second change is in the nature of an exchange. The present 
television band of 2,850 -2,950 kc. will be exchanged for the aviation block 
ranging from 1,600 to 1,700 kc. This was decided upon by mutual arrangement 
between the two groups and is expected to aid both. Only two experimenters now 
are assigned to the television band involved and they probably will move to the 
new band. These are Short Wave & Television Laboratory, Boston, and Radio 
Pictures, New York. There may be a double -shift, however, which would involve 
others of the score of licensed experimenters as well as some of the later 
applicants for facilities.

John ParmaleeJparmalee@aol.com281-380-3811 K5VGM WI2XLJ
Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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