The Start of Field Day is just a few hours away.  


So far the set-up for Field Day has gone extremely well. Over 30 people came
out today to help with set-up and assembly of antennas and computers
networks. Bill, W5VOM, and his crack antenna installation team and Glen,
WB5TUF, with his IT wizards, Field Day is coming together like a well-oiled
machine. There are still a few things left to do Saturday morning so if you
would like to help check with the Field Day coordinators and let them know.


If you don't remember, the Quad club event will be at Duhacsek Park in Sugar
Land off Old Richmond Road and Voss.  We will start set-up around 8 am
Saturday morning to get everything ready for a 1 pm start time on Saturday. 


There are still plenty of operating slots open. The web site was closed down
today to so everyone could prepare for the weekend. However if you would
like to operate, check with one of the Field Day Coordinators to sign up. 


Even though the planned dinner did not happen, Plan B worked perfectly. Over
20 people enjoyed BBQ from Schultz's in Rosenberg. Thanks to BVARC for
sponsoring the Friday night dinner. 


Speaking of food, the meal schedule for the weekend is:


Saturday morning - Taco Cabana breakfast tacos

Saturday lunch - Make your own sandwiches

Saturday Dinner - Dinner By Dave - Hamburgers with all the extras, salad and
a surprise or two for desert

Sunday morning - Still open - Check the web site tomorrow. 

Sunday lunch (after the contest ends) - BBQ, hamburgers, breakfast tacos,
and whatever that hasn't been eaten - you guessed it - Left Overs! 


Talk-in will be on the 146.94, minus offset, 167.9 tone. Everyone should
bring their dual-band handheld radio. Besides the VHF repeater programmed in
their radio, you should have 446.175 simplex programmed. The UHF channel
will be a local channel we can use around the Field Day site for local


And please remember, once the fun has ended, help is needed to tear down and
clean-up the site. This is a must if we want to continue using the site in
the future. Let's be great neighbors so we can return next year. 





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