On Wed, 10 Dec 2003, Erik Berls wrote:

> I've looked through the mail archives and I've seen support issues
> for MH folders come up numerous times.
> I was wondering if anyone had patches that implemented the ability
> to maintain the read/un-read status of messages.  Ideally, I would
> prefer if this was done via updating the .mh_sequences file, however
> I'm willing to take any support along this line.
> (Alternately, if people out there view this as working, please tell
> me what I need to do to kick Mail.app 1.3 [OS X, Panther] into
> functioning proper.)

I don't know if Michael "hacker" Krelin is reading this list, but he's
also an avid MH user.

Maybe you want to shortcut yourself with him - I'm Cc: ing him this

  Tomas Pospisek
  http://sourcepole.com -  Linux & Open Source Solutions

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