Tue Mar 12 22:52:33 GMT 2013  Duncan Coutts <dun...@well-typed.com>
  * Fix data files wildcard
  Ignore-this: 1b975f7ba945befd15a16526a469af4d

    M ./hackage-server.cabal -1 +1

Wed Mar 13 00:41:42 GMT 2013  Duncan Coutts <dun...@well-typed.com>
  * Change the host-URI handling so it is independent of the port we serve on
  Ignore-this: 7c9cfd79a000cf9f0cb13f2a253b439c
  The public URI for the server may involve proxying etc, so the public URI
  might be http://new-hackage.haskell.org/ while we're actually serving on
  port 18512, which is reverse proxied to port 80. So we need to be able to
  set the public URI independently of our serving port, otherwise we would
  make links to http://new-hackage.haskell.org:18512/ which isn't accessable.
  (Most links are relative, but some have to be absolute, e.g. in emails and
  in rss feeds)

    M ./Distribution/Server.hs -11 +9
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/LegacyPasswds.hs -6 +3
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/NameSearch.hs -7 +4
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/RecentPackages.hs -1 +1
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/UserSignup.hs -15 +16
    M ./Distribution/Server/Framework/ServerEnv.hs -1 +1
    M ./Distribution/Server/Pages/Recent.hs -12 +8
    M ./Main.hs -19 +47

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