On Sat, Jul 29, 2023 at 3:20 PM David P. Reed <dpr...@deepplum.com> wrote:
> Here's me wearing my business executive/business consulting hat:

You look good in a hat!

> If you want a market that fits Cake very well, SME corporate routers and 
> building-scale routers are perfect. Whereever there's a bottleneck behind 
> which you have many PCs and consumer devices, etc. Cake can do the job. 
> (That's better than the bulk of the low end home routers, which still are 
> installed in apartments with one family as the only traffic source, so just 
> buying a faster link typically manages the bottleneck OK today).

I agree that there are markets in the small biz space. However a lot
of fq_codel and cake has already entered that market (fq_codel on
pfsense,  cake on things like riverbed, evenroute pro, mikrotik), and
I have no idea how well it is doing. In any case, building a routing
or firewalling product from cake out is quite an undertaking, and my
goal with writing up some needed features was to find a way to just
support further development.

> Let's say you are a startup in the Bay Area - you get a Comcast Business 
> service connection, and then start hiring people with laptops. And maybe you 
> have some "lights out" server capacity at some colo you pay for, but you 
> don't buy the highest speed service for your server traffic to get to your 
> developers' machines (either in the office or remote).
> Seems to me that Cake is the answer, and that answer will run in mini-PCs 
> (heftier CPUs than today's home routers) that have 2 NICs, each that are GigE 
> or 2.5 GigE or 40 GigE, depending on your bottleneck bandwidth of the service 
> you can buy from Comcast Business or your colo facility.

I strongly agree that lil business routers that do more of the right
things would be good, also "managed wifi".

> Cake will "just solve" the problem of congestion at that bottleneck, by 
> pushing back traffic rates fairly to the endpoints on a flow by flow basis.
> Now lots of small businesses run something like pFSense at that bottleneck 
> point on that hardware.
> Others seem to even run something more complex like Proxmox (because it costs 
> next to nothing) with one of the VMs being the "router".
> I'm sure there are lots of small IT support shops that install and maintain 
> these appliances out there. I don't know any personally, but it's crazy for a 
> small business to have a full time employee maintain that interconnect.

I know of a few managed services companies, but they are small.

> So, given that Cake would make them more money,

I am not entirely certain that reducing service calls makes that kind
of shop "more money".

>they must be convincable to share some of that with Cake developers. Because 
>they have deep pockets, Comcast Business (which is a VERY different business 
>from Comcast residential Internet) would be the first place I'd look. 
>Presumably they dela with Value Added Resellers who specialize in provisioning 
>small and medium businesses.

I think that some large ISPs' business units would be interested, but
that they would to existing vendors more than someone new and shiny.

> (I once had a nice conversation with Jason Livingood about how Comcast 
> Business is independent and should be thought of as having very different 
> tech needs. He might be able to tell you who at Comcast Business might be a 
> good contact. The same with all the other business Internet access providers 
> out there.)

Thank you for your thoughts.

> On Saturday, July 29, 2023 4:49pm, "Dave Taht via Cake" 
> <cake@lists.bufferbloat.net> said:
> > thank you sebastian and dave for your comments and feedback so far. I
> > would like to find other markets for cake, more statistics worth
> > collecting, and other ideas, in the hope that we could find something
> > fundable out of the mix.
> >
> > On Fri, Jul 28, 2023 at 9:07 AM Dave Taht <dave.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > I don't know if it is possible to multithread cake or not. But I
> > > started writing the ideas up here:
> > >
> > >
> > https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tTYBPeaRdCO9AGTGQCpoiuLORQzN_bG3TAkEolJPh28/edit?usp=sharing
> > >
> > > Pretty fragmentary, other use cases, other features, other
> > > mis-features, and thoughts requested.
> > >
> > > --
> > > Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxmoBr4cBKg
> > > Dave Täht CSO, LibreQos
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxmoBr4cBKg
> > Dave Täht CSO, LibreQos
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> > Cake mailing list
> > Cake@lists.bufferbloat.net
> > https://lists.bufferbloat.net/listinfo/cake
> >

Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxmoBr4cBKg
Dave Täht CSO, LibreQos
Cake mailing list

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