Integrating PHPUnit with 1.2.3

2010-10-22 Thread A Smiley
How difficult is it to integrate PHPUnit into an existing install of CakePHP 1.2.3? Has anyone successfully done it? If so, please point me to anything that's publicly available about the process. So far I've found only, wh

Unit tests fail - fixtures trying to execute INSERT INTO `table` (*, `1`, `2`...)

2010-06-11 Thread A Smiley
We've set up the CakePHP unit testing framework for our project, but the individual who originally set it up didn't use fixtures, so the unit tests are basically unrunnable because they interact with the data on the environment they're run on. I'm modifying it to use fixtures, so we can avoid this

APC cache problems on Windows

2009-08-25 Thread A Smiley
We have a couple of developers on my team who are running Windows. Prior to our recent upgrade (from 1.2 alpha to 1.2 final) they had no problems. Now, however, unless they have Cake caching disabled (with Configure::write('Cache.disable', true)) they get frequent errors of the form: Fatal error

Cake's built-in caching in i18n.php

2009-08-24 Thread A Smiley
My company uses CakePHP as our application framework, and recently upgraded to the 1.2 release. Recently while doing performance testing we noticed that the localization functions are eating up a lot more time than they did with our old Cake version, and traced it to the new caching scheme found