
I'm currently building a SaaS application using cakePHP. I've worked with 
cakePHP before a few times and I'm comfortable with how it all works.

So, I have an `accounts` table which holds information about each tenant, 
and then a `users` table aswell, which will contain the users for each 
account/tenant. New users will initially be added through a basic plain PHP 
or WordPress front-end, so there won't be the need to create new `accounts` 
through the cakePHP side of the app.

Just to be clear, each tenant will be on a subdomain of the main domain. 
For example, http://dylan.mycakeapp.dev/ could be a tenant. The front-end 
site will be held in the root of the site, http://mycakeapp.dev/. When new 
users sign up on the front-end site, their `accounts` record and a single 
`users` record will be created, they will get redirected to their 
subdomain, and the cakePHP app will take it from there.

So here's the problem. I want all tenants to share the same database, 
separated by an 'account_id' which will be in all tables. I'm not 100% on 
this, but I think the correct approach is to use the 'beforeSave', 
'beforeDelete' and 'beforeFind' callbacks in the model, and simply add the 
`account_id` as a query condition. The problem comes when I'm trying to 
detect which tenant to use, because I can't use the database within the 

Does anyone have any experience with SaaS/multi-tenancy apps in cakePHP, 
and can help? Thanks in advance.


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