Hi I have one big problem which drives me crazy. My application is
some kind of a database of graphics projects with data screens and
comments. In "Show Projects details" view there is an ability to
comment the graphic project. And after submitting the comment
application sends an email to the author of the project. After that it
should redirect to the "Show Projects details" view again but
unfortunately there is a problem. The page goes blank. And if I press
back on web browser and click refresh the comment shows up. I turn the
debug 2 on and there are no errors. Furthermore there is a table with
SQL data and above it a proper link where it should redirect. I have
Notification component which uses core Email component. In this
Notification component I have a method:

        function send($subject = 'Message', $id, $template, $text = "", $mail
= WEBSTUDIO_EMAIL, $private = false) {


        $this->Email->delivery = 'smtp';
        $this->Email->smtpOptions = array(
            'host' => EMAIL_SMTP_HOST,
            'username'=> EMAIL_SMTP_USER,
            'password'=> EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD

    $this->Email->to = $mail;
    $this->Email->subject = '[Project '.$id.'] '.$subject;
        $this->Email->from = EMAIL_NAME.' <'.EMAIL_FROM.'>';
        $this->Email->sendAs = 'text';
        $this->Email->replyTo = WEBSTUDIO_EMAIL;
        $this->Email->template = $template;

                $this->controller->set('id', $id);
                $this->controller->set('text', $text);
                $this->controller->set('email', $this->obAuth->user["User"]
                $this->controller->set('user', $this->obAuth->user["User"]

        App::import('Model', 'User');
                $User = &new User();

                if (!$private)

            $emails = $User->findAll('`User`.`id` IN (SELECT user_id FROM
users_permissions WHERE user_id != '.$this->obAuth->user["User"]
['id'].' AND permission_id = '.$this->obAuth-
>id('COMMENTS_INFO').')',  array('DISTINCT `User`.`id`',
'`User`.`email`', '`User`.`name`'), null, null, null, 0);
            foreach($emails as $email)
                $this->Email->bcc[] = "{$email['User']['name']}

            if ($mail != WEBSTUDIO_EMAIL)
                    $this->Email->bcc[] = WEBSTUDIO_EMAIL;

            if ($this->Email->send())
                $this->Session->setFlash('Wysłano wiadomość.');
                        $debug = $this->Session->read('Message.email');

                        $this->controller->log("\n\n*Wysłano wiadomość* \n
\n{$debug['message']}", 'email.' . date('Y-m-d'));
                return true;
            } else {
                        $this->Session->setFlash('Wystąpił błąd podczas 

                        $debug = $this->Session->read('Message.email');
                        $this->controller->log("\n\n*Nie wysłano wiadomości 
>smtpError, "\n{$debug['message']}", 'email.' . date('Y-m-d'));
                        @mail(ADMIN_EMAIL, env('SERVER_NAME').' Error: email', 
"Temat: ".
$this->Email->subject."\n\nBłąd: ".$this->Email->smtpError);
            return false;

Usage of this component in my Templates Controller is:

$this->Notification->send('Comment', $this->data['Comment']
['template_id'], 'comment', $orig_comment, $this->data['Comment']

where as you can see 'comment' is a template of the mail. The content
of comment.ctp is:

<?=i18n('User %s adds a comment', $user) ?>

<?=i18n('See the details of the project here:') ?>:
http://th.netart.pl/templates/view/<?=$id ?>,
<?=i18n('Content of the comment') ?>:
<?=$text; ?>

I narrowed the problem to this line in the Notification component:

        $this->Email->template = $template;

When I commented it, the redirect method worked properly but the mail
was empty. I know that in this situation application has no email
template assigned. But even if went back to the previous state and try
to erase the content of the comment.ctp nothing has changed. There
were no Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already
sent, just the blank page. I do not know why there is a problem with
this email template and I have just spent 10 hours to solve this and I
didn't find the solution to this. Please help me.

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